Thursday, April 16, 2015

Yuri's Night 2015 Beach Report. Personal highlights from Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach #YurisNight

Leading up to Yuri's Night in the Media

This year I was lucky enough to discuss +Yuri's Night with a few media outlets. I was excited to see my photo end up on the front page of the 2nd section of the +FLORIDA TODAY in an excellent article by James Dean.

Front page of section 2! Seeing the news in print is always more exciting than online.
I'm on TV! +News 13's Jerry Hume came to Bacchae for an interview about the events in Florida.

2015 YN Media Coverage

    Cape Canaveral Yuri's Night - April 11

     I organized the Cape Canaveral event to bring the community together to celebrate the past, present, and future of human spaceflight. The event at +Bacchae Wine Bar LLC featured music by the Cocoa Beach Winos followed by DJ Alan Jones. Space photos from the Florida area were on display by +Chris Haber Photography. Food was self-catered by Jen and enjoyed by all! There were games outside as well like Giant JENGA and corn hole (bean bag toss).

    Baccahe Wine Bar in full swing

    Jen and I with #BabyK on his way [Rafael Neil Kobrick, born 16 July 2015].

    Teddy was helping me decide which of my many Yuri's Night shirts to wear to each event.

    Cocoa Beach Yuri's Night - April 15

    I organized a special panel for the 5th Annual International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications, Cocoa Beach, FL, to look at analogue research and how it contributes to human space exploration or human spaceflight. The idea was to connect researchers who are developing surface system technologies (Moon, asteroids, Mars, wherever) with how we can test and train to be more prepared for exploring.  The event was also designed as a special +Yuri's Night event at the workshop to have an open/free event for the local public to educate them about space and very cool experiences.

    Yuri's Night Cocoa Beach 2015 Analogue Panel Q&A session
    When you are on a panel with a rock star +NASA Astronaut like +Cady Coleman, you take a selfie!

    My portion of the panel discussion MDRS and FMARS:

    The full panel video:

    Isolated and Dangerous: Analogue Research for Human Space Exploration

    MDRS/FMARS: Ryan L. Kobrick, Ph.D., Space Florida

    Aquarius Reef Base: Thomas Potts
    NEEMO/ISS: NASA Astronaut/Aquanaut Cady Coleman
    HI-SEAS: Annie Caraccio 
    Surface Systems Testing: Swamp Works - Jason Schuler 

    Space analogue research involves the replication or simulation of one or more aspects of actual spaceflight. The primary advantage of conducting analogue research is that it can produce valid results for a fraction of the cost of a real space mission. Analogues can also be used for crew training, thereby increasing the efficiency and safety of exploration. Research facilities are excellent tools for advancing new technologies, comparative planetology scientific research, and exploration methodologies, as well as for investigating and devising countermeasures for the challenges astronauts may encounter while exploring. This panel is composed of experts with experiences at analogue locations and programs including: Mars Desert Research Station (Utah, USA); Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (Devon Island, Canada); Aquarius Reef Base (Florida, USA); NASA’s Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO at Aquarius Reef Base); Hawai’i Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (Hawai’i, USA); Desert Research and Technology Studies (D-RATS in USA: NASA Johnson Space Center, Texas; Black Point, Arizona; and Moses Lake, WA); NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Shuttle Landing Facility Hazard Field or “Moonscape” and Swamp Works Regolith Test Bin or “Big Bin” (Florida, USA); and the International Space Station (Low Earth Orbit, the Solar System). Each presenter will provide an overview of their analogue experience(s), the variables of real spaceflight matched by their specific research, benefits of analogue research, areas improvements, the key lessons learned, and what they envision for the future of human spaceflight exploration. A Yuri’s Night reception will follow the panel to reflect on the history of human spaceflight, where we are today, and our future in the cosmos.

    Short 50-word Abstract:
    Space analogue research involves the replication or simulation of one or more aspects of actual spaceflight. This expert panel will discuss their experiences and give their visions of the future of human spaceflight. A Yuri’s Night reception will follow.

    See you next time! Поехали!


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