
Please excuse any delays in page updates. To The Moon!

Check out this video highlighting S.U.I.T. Lab research projects from 2017-2020!

RYAN L. KOBRICK, PH.D.       Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Kobrick’s career portfolio has included over 20 years dedicated to the pursuit of human spaceflight with work experience in government, academia, industry, and non-profits. His focal research areas have included: human performance; lunar dust abrasion and mitigation for spacecraft design and operations including habitat dust intrusion and advanced spacesuit technologies; exploration safety; assessing the reach / work envelopes for spaceflight intravehicular activity (IVA) using pressure suits and motion capture; surface exploration extravehicular activity (EVA) metrics using analogue/analog research locations; IVA and EVA spacesuit technology development; and global engagement curriculum development. Specifically, Dr. Kobrick is a human spaceflight subject matter expert (SME) in lunar dust mitigation, spacesuits, and analogue research and operations. 



RyInSpace, LLC, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA 

Founder & Principal Consultant [Since Dec 2022] 

RyInSpace, LLC aims to: 

  • Help solve the impossible problems to enrich lives, here on Earth and in the pursuit of human spaceflight exploration. 

  • Inspire people about the importance of humans in space to help connect the planet. 

Client portfolio: 

  • Metakosmos (Australia) - consulting with technical reviews and advisement for a next gen spacesuit (Kosmosuit) and the supporting suit technologies for extreme environments. 

  • Canadian Space Mining Corporation (Canada) - contributing project management to prototype design of a Connected Care Medical Module (C²M²). The contract is funded by the Canadian Space Agency's Health Beyond Initiative. 



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Aerospace Engineering Sciences (Bioastronautics) [2010] 

The University of Colorado at Boulder (CU), Boulder, CO, USA 

Dissertation: Characterization and Measurement Standardization of Lunar Dust Abrasion for Spacecraft Design and Operations 

Ph.D. Committee: Dr. David M. Klaus (Advisor & Chair), Dr. Kenneth W. Street, Jr., Dr. Scott H. Robertson, Dr. Jean N. Koster, and Dr. Virginia L. Ferguson. 

Master of Science (M.S.) in Aerospace Engineering [2005] 

The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), University Park, PA, USA 

Thesis: Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Spaceflight 

Advisor: Dr. David B. Spencer 

Master of Space Studies (MSS ’03) [2003] 

International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France 

Thesis: X PRIZE CUP 

Advisor: Dr. Peter H. Diamandis 

Bachelor of Science (B. SC. HONS) in Mechanical Engineering [2002] 

Queen’s University, (QU) Kingston, ON, Canada  

Area of Concentration: Aerospace Engineering 



American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 

  • Life Sciences & Systems Technical Committee, Executive Lead [2024+], Chair [2022-2024], Vice Chair [2020-2022], Membership Sub-Committee [2010-2014] and Education Sub-Committee [2010+]  

Analog Astronaut Conference Steering Committee at Biosphere 2, AZ, USA [2022, 2023] 

International Astronautical Federation (IAF) 

  • Space Operations Committee (SOC) [2019+] 

  • Space Education and Outreach Committee (SEOC) [2015+] 

  • Workforce Development/Young Professionals Program Committee (WD/YPP) [2010+] 

  • Global Workforce Development Subcommittee (SEOC & WD/YPP) [2018+] 

The Journal of Astrosociology 

  • Editorial Board - [2016+] 



Blue Origin Internal Blue Star Award, 2024 

Distinguished Service Award, International Astronautical Federation [2021] 

Paragon Touchstone Internal Awards, Dec 2020 (x2), Jan 2021, Jul 2021, May 2022 

Faculty Mentor of the Year Award, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [2019-2020] 

CTLE Writing in the Disciplines Fellow, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [2019-2021] 

Outstanding Performance Award, Applied Aviation Sciences Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [2017-2018] 

Young Space Leaders Recognition Programme - IAF [2015] 

NewSpace Award - Best Presentation of Space - MMXI - Presented to Yuri’s Night by the Space Frontier Foundation [2011] 

Yuri’s Night 2010 Dancing Snoopy Award [2010, 2011] 

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) USA 2008-2009 Chapter of the Year Award [Boulder, 2009] 

John A. Vise Memorial Scholarship Recipient - Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, University of Colorado at Boulder [2009] 

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar - Lockheed Martin Award [2008-2009], James Wright Memorial Scholar Award [2006-2007, 2007-2008] 

3rd Place Team Presentation at AIAA Region V Student Paper Conference and Competition, United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO [2007] 

AIAA Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Award [2006] 

Internal Scholarship with Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University [2004] 

Special Jury Prize - European Space Agency’s (ESA) 1st Aurora Student Design Contest by the ESA/Aurora Exploratory Program Advisory Committee (Barcelona, Spain) [2003] 

ESA Scholarship for International Space University MSS ’03 Program [2002-2003] 

Science ’95 Bursary, Queen’s University [2001] 

Ontario High School Scholar, Forest Hill C.I. [1998] 

St. John Life Saving Award [1997] 

Royal Canadian Humane Association - Recognition of Merit [1996] 



American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)  

Associate Member [Inducted 2024], Senior Member [2014], Member Since 2003 

AIAA Cape Canaveral Section Member [2012-2020] 

AIAA Space Colonization Technical Committee [2003-2005] 

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) [2002-2010] 

Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) [1999-2003] 

Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) [2002-2010] 

Florida Space Development Council, a National Space Society Chapter [2012-2016] 

International Astronautical Federation (IAF) [2010+] 

Next Generation Co-ordination Committee [2016-2022] 

IAF Launchpad Mentorship Programme Coordinator / Co-Creator [2020-2021] 

General Assembly Representative, ERAU [2018-2020] 

Institute for Space Development Research (ISDR) [2009-2010] 

The Explorer’s Club, Student Member [2003-2009] 

The Mars Society [2004-2009] / Mars Society Canada [2005-2009] 

Space Generation Foundation [2003-Present] 

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) [2005-2010] 



AIAA Associate Member - Nominated [2019, 2020, 2021, 2022] 

ERAU Tej Gupta Outstanding Teacher of the Year - Nominee [2020] 

ERAU Abas Sivjee Outstanding Researcher Award - Nominee finalist for the College of Aviation [2018], Nominee [2020] 

The Forum on Education Abroad Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Design - Nominee [2019] 

YTV Achievement Awards - Nominee for Bravery [1997] 



Blue Origin, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA 

New Shepard Principal Fluid Systems Engineer & Lunar Dust Mitigation Subject Matter Expert [Feb 2023 - Jun 2024] 

My duties as a member of the New Shepard (NS) Crew Systems Team were focused on the crew capsule (CC) environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) and ancillary equipment. I performed a complex integrated plan related to astronaut safety and ECLSS technology advancement for the NS CC, which included system safety analyses and products such as a Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). As stated in public NS Crew Systems requisitions (I cannot provide proprietary details), our team provided engineering support and technical ownership for developing concept of operations, requirements, functional decomposition, system verification, validation, integration, test, and operation. As a Principal Engineer on the team, I evaluated and provided feedback for documents for gated design reviews for our subsystems. My interdisciplinary work included collaboration with NS members of Crew Systems, Systems Engineering, Parts Materials & Processing, and Safety Quality Mission Assurance.  

Additionally, I assisted the lunar business unit Dust Mitigation team, which focuses on protecting assets in the Blue Origin lunar portfolio to prepare humanity for planetary surface exploration. 

I made community contributions to the Business Resource Groups of New Fisher, Club for the Future, and New Resnik as well as mentoring with other Blue Origin colleagues and an Aerospace Engineering Sr. Design team from my Ph.D. alma mater CU-Boulder. 


Paragon Space Development Corporation (Paragon), Lakewood, CO, USA 

Paragon’s mission is to provide solutions for life support and thermal control for extreme environments. 

Principal Investigator (PI) & Aerospace Engineer (AE V) [Jul 2020 - Sept 2022] 

PI and lunar dust SME for NASA Programs: 

  • xLiDS: Exploration Labyrinth Dust Seals NASA SBIR Phase I (PI / lunar dust SME). xLiDS are specialized covers for the Pressure Garment System (PGS) and Portable Life Support System (PLSS) of the exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU) PLSS (xPLSS) protecting astronauts and hardware from regolith migration and infiltration without impairing flowrates. 

  • SCALE & xTON: Spacesuit Cover against the Abrasive Lunar Environment & eXploration Textile for high Oxygen eNvironments, NASA STTR Phase I with Wilson College of Textiles, North Carolina State University (IPT lead/lunar dust SME). SCALE is a bio-inspired lunar dust abrasion protection solution for the outer layer of the xEMU Environmental Protection Garment (EPG). xTON is crew clothing with a specialized fabric for shirt-sleeve environments in oxygen-rich atmospheres. 

  • MOVE: Modal Optimized Vibration dust Eliminator, NASA SBIR Phase I (PI / lunar dust SME). Active lunar dust mitigation system for thermal radiators that used vibrational excitation at targeted modal frequencies to mitigate dust adhesion with the assistance of passive dust mitigation coatings. 

Internal Research & Development Highlights (IR&D): 

  • Commercialization of Extreme Environment Suits Study, Internal Study (Lead). Report to Business Development led to the acquisition of spacesuit softgoods company Final Frontier Design (FFD), establishing Paragon with the capability to offer IVA and complete EVA spacesuit solutions. 

  • IVA Suit Internal Research & Development (IR&D) (Spacesuit and Softgoods Engineer). Significant contributor to transition documentation of FFD’s amalgamation. 

  • Undisclosed IR&D (PI). Helped close older path for water removal technology for humidity control and successfully proposed a scientifically rigorous approach to technology maturation. 

Other Duties: 

  • HALO: Habitation And Logistics Outpost, NASA Gateway Program. Lunar Dust Mitigation SME for the Atmospheric Monitoring and Ventilation Subsystems regarding dust mitigation. 

  • Lead author for proposals (NASA SBIR, NASA STTR, unsolicited/solicited RFPs), requests for information (RFI), rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimations (NASA PRISM, NASA CLPS, others). Responses included lunar dust mitigation, spacesuits, advanced concepts, and lunar surface mobility technologies (undisclosed partners and programs). 

  • Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC). POC Dust Mitigation & Extreme Environments. 

Integrated Product Team Lead (IPTL): 

  • IPTL [Jul 2020 – Apr 2021] for the Dynetics Human Lander System (DHLS) Environmental and Control Life Support System’s (ECLSS) Atmospheric Monitoring Subsystem and Fire Suppression Subsystem. Point of contact for Dust Mitigation Working Group efforts for DHLS and subject matter expert including HEPA filter testing with dust simulants at NASA GRC. 


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), Daytona, FL, USA 

Assistant Professor of Spaceflight Operations [Aug 2016 - Jul 2020] 

Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the 'Spaceflight Operations' Program at ERAU, which is uniquely focused on policy, operations, safety, training, human factors, and planning elements of commercial and private space operations. Faculty advisor for the Society for S.P.A.C.E. (5/2017 – 7/2020), and teams in the NASA Micro-g Neutral Buoyancy Experiment Design Teams (Micro-g NExT) Challenge (2019, 2020), NASA Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students (SUITS) Challenge (2020), NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts - Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) Competition (2020), and NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge (2018). At ERAU I have learned, adapted, and grown my teaching philosophy to be one of inclusion by bringing the world to my students and bringing my students to the world. My career at Embry-Riddle was fueled by a passion for space and I created opportunities and experiences for students to help launch their careers. Instructed 9 unique courses with a total of 27 offerings over 4 years, which included 3 summer study abroad programs in Greece and Germany. Additional roles included: Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence (CTLE), Council Member [2018-2020]; Office of Undergraduate Research, Mentor via SelectedWorks [2019-2020]; and Associate Member of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Center of Excellence for Commercial Space Transportation (COE CST) [2020]. 


Spacesuit Utilization of Innovative Technology Laboratory (S.U.I.T. Lab), Principal Investigator [Jan 2017 - Jul 2020] 

Research was focused on: human performance; exploration safety; assessing the reach and work envelopes for spaceflight intravehicular activity (IVA) using pressure suits and motion capture; surface exploration extravehicular activity (EVA) metrics and spacesuit technologies using analogue research locations; research on lunar dust abrasion and spacecraft design and operations including habitat dust intrusion; and curriculum development targeted for global engagement and study abroad programs (Greece, Germany, Portugal, and Spain). The S.U.I.T. Lab has had sponsored research by internal grants and external with the NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium. Partnerships have been forged with several analog/analogue spaceflight locations and missions including HI-SEAS in Hawai'i, AMADEE in Oman and Israel, MDRS in Utah, MAU in Nepal, and Lunares in Poland. Highlights available at and on social media platforms as @SpacesuitUp. 


Courses Instructed 

  • CSO 330 - Spaceflight & Ops Training 

  • Introduction to astronaut and cosmonaut selection and training, showing strong parallels to military pilot selection and training, including the rapid evolution of human spaceflight training. 

  • Semesters: Fall 2017 (+2 honors projects); Fall 2018; Fall 2019; Spring 2020 

  • CSO 377 (399/395B) & MSA 599 - Spacesuits & Human Spaceflight Operations 

  • Human spaceflight performance and survivability of extreme space environments with emphasis on spacesuit design. Human-centered design approach; spacesuit history, concepts, and subsystems; intravehicular and extravehicular operations; the use of analogue missions and environments for crew training, comparative planetology, and technology testing; cultural linkages between STEM, Arts, and media. Creator of course. 

  • Summer Programs: 

  • 2017, Antikythera Mechanism Program, Greece (CSO 399) 

  • 2018, Expedition Greece (CSO 395B / MSA 599) 

  • 2019, Greece & Germany: A Stardust Odyssey (CSO 395B / MSA 599) 

  • 2019 introduced a workshop with the European Space Agency’s European Astronaut Center (EAC) and the Germany Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany. 

  • 2020 (Cancelled COVID-19), Portugal & Spain: Destination Luna (CSO 395B & SP 425) 

  • Semesters: Fall 2018; Fall 2019; Spring 2020 

  • CSO 410 - Space Operations Planning & Analysis 

  • Safety assurance and risk analysis are emphasized in mission planning, and in launch and flight operations for each phase of commercial spaceflight. Included are pad and range safety considerations in launch preparations and launch operations; contingency planning for flight operations including reentry. 

  • Semesters: Spring 2017; Fall 2017 

  • CSO 490 - Senior Space Operations Project 

  • A senior-level capstone project that entails interdisciplinary coordination of simulated flight, launch or training program comparable to commercial or private space operations at established companies. 

  • Semesters: Fall 2016; Spring 2017; Fall 2017; Spring 2018; Fall 2018 

  • SP 110 - Introduction to Space Flight 

  • This course is a basic study of the concepts, development, and application of space flight technology, emphasizing the U. S. role in current and future space operations. 

  • Semesters: Spring 2020 

  • SP 200 - Planetary & Space Exploration 

  • This is a survey course of U.S. and international space programs. The student will be introduced to the Earth and its space environment, to methods of scientific exploration and to spacecraft and payload criteria at the introductory physics level. 

  • Semesters Spring 2017; Spring 2018; Spring 2020 

  • SP 220 - Life Support Systems 

  • This course is a survey course of the requirements and design considerations for life support systems in space and on other planets. 

  • Semesters: Fall 2019 

  • SP 425 - Select Topics in Space/Aerospace 

  • Introduces students to problems in space operations, spaceflight and other space-related topics. 2016 focus areas included global engagement, human spaceflight (spaceships and people), analogue research, and a final project with the Suborbital Spaceflight Simulator. 

  • An independent study on space analogues and spacesuit demonstrations for in the classroom and in relevant environments (ex: underwater). 

  • Semesters: Fall 2016; Spring 2017 (IP); Spring 2018 

  • Spring 2019: assigned to shadow SP 110, SP 200, and SP 210 (Space Transportation System) for course development after personal leave. 

Courses Instructed at ERAU 




















CSO 330 













CSO 377 













MSA 599 













CSO 410 













CSO 490 













SP 110 













SP 200 













SP 220 













SP 425 













ü Completed; û Cancelled (COVID-19) 


Flight Ready Systems, Global / Headquartered in Arizona, USA  

Chief Technology Officers & Co-Founder [Aug 2019 Sep 2020] 

Flight Ready Systems (FRS) was a consultancy specializing in field research, curriculum development, and science communications. We provided pathways for organizations to conduct research in space analog/remote environments with a core mission of advancing human spaceflight capabilities. Work included proposal writing, partnership development, workshop creation, and outreach engagement with our education program: Analog Astronaut. 


Yuri’s Night, Global/Online 

Chairman of the Board of Directors & President [Jul 2010 – Jun 2018] 

501(c)3 Non-Profit Company Yuri's Night (YN) is an annual global celebration for human spaceflight held every April 12th. Tasks included leading the Global Executive Team (~30+ members/year with ~8 active core members) and Board of Directors with project management, partnership development, use of online tools, organizational skills, and volunteer team motivation. I was the first Executive Director for YN and in my first year [2010-2011] our team broke records with over 600 events in 75 countries reaching over 100,000 people on the 50th Anniversary of Human Spaceflight and won the NewSpace Award for the Best Presentation of Space from the Space Frontier Foundation [2011]. As President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, I led the team to obtain our 501(c)3 Non-Profit status [2010] and formed new Memoranda of Understandings with over twenty space education and outreach partners. Obtaining 501(c)3 status allowed YN to spin-off from its forming body, Space Generation Advisory Council (observer organization to United Nations COPUOS), which led to the UN declaration of April 12th as the "International Day of Human Space Flight" [2011]. Program highlights included: 2011 coordinated with ISS Program to send 6 YN shirts to ISS for 50th Anniversary; 2012 GetCurious campaign with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reaching over 25,400 people at 60 recognized events for the Mars Curiosity Rover landing; 2013 partnering with Canadian Space Agency for live YN Tweetup to Commander Hadfield on ISS; 2015 New Horizons YN Google Hangout; 2016 Disney Junior and 'Miles from Tomorrowland' activities; #BeAnAstronaut commemorative patch project; and more than 4 million people reached [2001-2018]. 


Personal experiences include leadership on the Global Executive Team (GET) and local community: 


  • Chairman of the Board of Directors and President [2010-2018] 

  • Executive Director [2010-2014, first ever ED for YN] 

  • Operations Team Lead [2010-2013] 

  • Project Manager & Global Video Podcast Producer [2009, 2010] 


Event Organizer: 

  • Yuri’s Night Kids Presented by Janet’s Planet, virtual [2021] 

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL [2018] 

  • Port Orange, FL [2017] 

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL with Project PoSSUM [2017] 

  • Cape Canaveral, FL [2013, 2014, 2015, 2016] 

  • Cocoa Beach, FL [2013, 2014, 2015: Special analogue research panel at 5th Annual International Lunar Surface Applications Workshop, 2016: Family Space Day] 

  • Strasbourg, France: International Space University's 25th Anniversary / YN [2012] 

  • Boulder, CO [2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010] 

  • State College, PA [2004, 2005] 



  • Global Livestream, virtual [2021] 

  • Space Coast, Kennedy Space Center Visitor’s Complex, FL [2018, 2019, 2020 Cancelled] 

  • Orlando, FL [2016] 

  • Los Angeles, CA [2003] 


Space Florida, Exploration Park, FL 

Project Manager for Research and Development [Sept 2012 - Aug 2016] 

Focusing on Florida research and development efforts including designing statewide business plan and research competitions as well as education programs to catalyze technology development in small satellites, digital manufacturing, and 3D printing. Assisting in developing federal proposal opportunities for Space Florida and potential partners from the academic and business communities. 


Programs managed included: 

  • Florida Space Research Program ($300,000 of grants with matching funds for ~15 projects/year at Florida universities) and Florida Space Internship Program at the Space Life Sciences Lab (13 interns in 4 years) both partnered with the NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium. My research into the Florida economic impact, and proposals to management, saved these programs from being cancelled and facilitated growth including additional grants for NASA Technology Transfer projects and payloads (NanoRacks to the ISS and suborbital with Blue Origin). 

  • International Space Station Research Competition. 7 uniquely different payloads flew to the ISS on NASA-SpaceX CRS-3, 4, 5, and 8 missions in partnership with NanoRacks, a $300,000 program. I acted as the customer interface for the payloads and helped NanoRacks develop their Florida launch operations for payload investigators. 

  • I led the design and development for Space Florida headquarters in Exploration Park ("Building A"). I provided space exploration research to the architects for interior and external design, such as a launch viewing rooftop patio, and I designed the Space Florida tenant space to include collaboration zones. 

  • Led Atlantis Rollover Event through Exploration Park [2 Nov 2012]. 

  • Planetary Lander Egg-Drop Competition. I helped double the competition to 55 K-12 competitors in 2015 with new resources for teachers. I led the transition of the event to new management in 2016 (The Astronauts Memorial Foundation and the Florida Afterschool Network) to assist the event growth and creation of additional STEM/STEAM opportunities for students in Florida. Other roles: MC [2013]; and Photographer/Host [2014]. 

  • Representative on Florida NASA Space Grant Consortium Advisory Board [2013-2016] 


My collaborative efforts with the Kennedy Space Center and community as a representative of Space Florida have included: 

  • Mining Judge: NASA's Robotic Mining Challenge [2013-2016]. 

  • Challenge Author: NASA's International Space Apps Challenge ["Fit as a MOoSE" 2015, "Book it to the Moon" 2016]. "Book it to the Moon" had the largest pool of solutions with 101 from 63 locations in 2016 and included one of the six global winners. 

  • Judge: Freedom 7 Elementary School of International Studies Science Fair [2016]. 

  • Speaker: university guest lectures, conferences, workshops, and Gr. 5-6 career days. 


Daily roles included technical and business interactions, managing the progress and completion of assigned projects, developing schedules, monitoring and summarizing project status, budget tracking, keeping current on the commercial spaceflight industry, and business development prospect identification and qualification (technical advisor on investments). 


Florida Institute of Technology, Spaceport Site, Kennedy Space Center, FL 

Adjunct Faculty Spacecraft Environment SPC5012-5K / SPC5012-IK [Spring 2016] 

Instructing both in-class and online. This 3-hour 16-week course at Kennedy Space Center covered an overview and understanding of the natural and operational phenomena, which influence spacecraft system design and mission operations. My work included lecture preparation and delivery, assignments, tests, grading, and Q&A. Additional FIT Spaceport courses approved to instruct include: Intro to Space Environment SPC5002; Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control SPC5010; Human Space Systems SPC5011; and Space Dynamics and Control SPC5014. 


Buzz Aldrin Space Institute: I was a selected (analogue research abstract) and invited (Yuri's Night and public outreach) speaker at the 1st workshop (Jan 2016), and subsequently invited play a leading role in the Surface Systems Working Group. 


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 

Postdoctoral Associate [Nov 2010 Aug 2012] 

Supporting hands-on technical project research in the Man-Vehicle Laboratory (now Human Systems Laboratory) for Prof. Dava Newman relating to human exploration including: suborbital and commercial research assessment for human spaceflight and IVA; inertial measurement unit (IMU) use on medical applications, spacesuit testing and astronaut surface mobility; and supported graduate student research. 

I created hands-on research projects to validate new IMU devices. My first investigation used the IMUs in cars, which may have oscillations analogous to the vibrations a passenger may experience in spaceflight. The knowledge gained about device sensitivity inspired my idea to use the IMUs inside of a spacesuit to investigate the spacesuit work envelope and range of motion via joint angles. I designed a pressurized suit elbow flexion and extension test using David Clark Company's (DCC) Contingency Hypobaric Astronaut Protective Suit (CHAPS). The calculated results showed how the body inside the spacesuit moves differently than the actual suit, which can calculate energy losses and indicate potential risks of injuries in training and operations. The results were used to help optimize the CHAPS for better fit, which contributed to new IVA DCC suit designs for safer and more efficient contingency emergency operations and exploration. 

I worked with Prof. Jeffrey Hoffman (retired astronaut) and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory on a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts funded study titled: Spacecraft/Rover Hybrids for the Exploration of Small Solar System Bodies (NASA 11-11 NIAC-0648). My research roles included communication link budget analysis, concept of operations, and dust considerations for surface science (a personal study was conducted to investigate dust interacting instruments for low-gravity environments). 

Supported MIT projects leading to publications included: a surface exploration traverse analysis and navigation tool; robotic joint torque testing for pressure suit mobility; and, my expertise on form and function of spacesuit mobility aided in a winning proposal to the NASA Human Research Program for the "Spacesuit Trauma Countermeasure System for Intravehicular and Extravehicular Activities" (NNX12AC09G) project. 

I was the Event Director for MIT's 150th Anniversary Exploration Symposium titled: Earth, Air, Ocean and Space: The Future of Exploration, which featured prominent explorers, historians and astronaut alums (25-27 April 2011). I developed our program, organized the Vehicle Expo, managed 30 speakers, and I participated as a panel moderator. The conference had approximately 800 attendees and averaged 600 unique viewers during the two-day webcast. 

Co-Teaching Assistant: Space Biomedical and Life Support Engineering (Spring 2011). 

Brief work was conducted with Maria Zuber in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences looking at thermal inertia lunar data for potential landing sites, which was important for personal knowledge growth. 


The University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA 

Ph.D. Dissertation Title: Characterization and Measurement Standardization of Lunar Dust Abrasion for Spacecraft Design and Operations (2010). 


Research Assistant - NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP NNX07AR55H) [Sept 2007 - Aug 2010] 

I was awarded a NASA GSRP Fellowship to conduct lunar dust characterization with the Dust Management Program at NASA Glenn Research Center, focused on dust abrasion. 

During the Apollo missions, astronauts exploring the Moon experienced numerous unexpected material wear issues that were attributed to the presence of fine-grained, jagged, irregularly shaped lunar dust particles. My PhD research examined these issues and systematically developed measurement techniques and new metrics to look at abraded surfaces from two-body abrasion scratch testing. These metrics characterize the entire volume of a scratch profile and offer detailed information, which upgrade the current ASTM standard that only looks at scratch width (advisory communications conducted with ASTM's Subcommittee G02.30 on Abrasive Wear). Custom scratch tips were fabricated from Earth minerals analogous to lunar mineralogy (ex. olivine, enstatite, spinel) to investigate how different zones on the Moon may result in different levels of abrasion. Bulk three-body abrasion tests were conducted to compare lunar dust simulants (Highlands and Mare types) in an actual operational environment. An abrasion index was designed to quantify the overall abrasion level and thereby help improve the performance and reliability of exploration systems in the areas of: abrasive risk identification; specific mitigation strategies; mission design, such as landing location or field operations; hardware design; testing protocols in the laboratory; and material selection for surface systems. These results will be useful for any mission (robotic or humans) that intend to have a sustained presence on the surface of the Moon or other low gravity environments. Ongoing work is expected with academic, NASA GRC and Kennedy Space Center, and industrial partners. 

Two 10-week academic visits were conducted in 2008 and 2009 at NASA Glenn Research Center. Equipment used included a scratch tester, Veeco surface optical profilometer, and Rockwell hardness tester. I developed custom MATLAB code to analyze the 3D surface data. 


Research Assistant - BioServe Space Technologies [Jan-Apr 2007] 

Teaching Assistant - ASEN 3111: Aerodynamics [Fall 2006] 

Working with co-TA to organize course website, CA duties, overseeing weekly labs, supplementary lecturing in labs, proctoring exams, and holding office hours for students. 

Research Assistant - BioServe Space Technologies [Jan-Jun 2006] 

MICROBE experiment: Flight hardware cleaning, assembly, and integration on Space Shuttle STS-115. 

Research Assistant - Spacesuit PLSS Schematic Analysis (NASA CRAVE contract) [2005] 

Working with Professor David Klaus and a team from Texas A&M University on NASA CRAVE DO1 for spacesuit schematic design. Organized and compiled a master database of technologies and spec-sheets for portable life support systems (spacesuit components). May-Dec 2005. 


Analog Astronaut, Space Analogue Simulations with The Mars Society 

Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS), Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada 

Human Factors Research Lead & Crew Engineer, Crew 11 - FMARS Crew 11 Long Duration Mission (F-XI LDM), 100-day Mars simulation [May-Aug 2007] 

I was competitively selected to be part of a 7-person crew for an all-volunteer effort to simulate a long duration Mars mission in the remote and isolated Canadian High Arctic. The mission included two-weeks of training at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), Hanksville, UT. The FMARS mission lasted 100-operational-days and included twenty-two science experiments spanning biology, geology, chemistry, human factors, radiation, and engineering. This mission provided a rare chance to analyze the physical environmental and microbiological responses to seasonal transitions. Principle Investigators from NASA, CSA, ESA, and academia supported the projects 'from Earth' using 20-minute time delay protocols. Constraints were imposed on the crew to increase the fidelity of the simulation including wearing bulky surface suits for Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) to mock the mobility and dexterity issues associated with differential pressure environments. 

As the Human Factors Lead Researcher and coordinator, I was tasked with forming a schedule and motivating the crew to complete studies in order to obtain the most consistent testing conditions (time of day and workload). I collected data for the five core experiments, including a sleep study (C.A.S.P.E.R.), cognitive tests (WinSCAT), group dynamic questionnaires, habitability study, and an exercise study. The unique 24-hour-sunlit environment of the Arctic led to two more projects being created including a Mars Time study and a Food Preferences study (which led to the creation of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, HI-SEAS, missions). For more than a month, the crew operated on the Martian 'sol' to investigate effects on crew psychophysiology and mission operations. 

As a crew engineer, I focused on repair of the EVA equipment, assisting in habitat systems maintenance, and polar bear monitor (PBM) activities. During the 100-day simulation I participated in 46 of 88 EVAs (12 were as PBM) totaling 148 hours of field exploration analogue experience. Including five two-week MDRS rotations in 2004/2006/2007/2007/2018, I have been on 84 EVAs with a total duration of 232 hours. 


Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), Hanksville, Utah 

Crew 188 - Mission Commander, International Space University (ISU) Alum [Jan 2018] 

Advisor - Team ISUISUonMars [2014/2015] 

Crew 58 - FMARS Crew Training Mission [Feb 2007] 

Crew 56 - Mission Commander / Instructor (MSC’s ExGamma) [Jan 2007] 

Crew 44 - Executive Officer / Instructor (MSC’s ExBeta) [Feb 2006] 

Crew 25 - Health & Safety Officer [Mar 2004] 



The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 

Teaching Assistant - AERSP/STS 055: Space Science & Technology [Spring 2005] 

In charge of marking weekly exercises, giving lectures related to the X PRIZE Foundation, proctoring exams, rocket project lab/launch, holding office hours for students and meet students upon request. 

Teaching Assistant - AERSP 450: Orbit And Attitude Control Of Spacecraft [Fall 2004] 

In charge of marking weekly assignments, proctoring exams, holding regular office hours for students and met with students upon request. 

Teaching Assistant - AERSP 405: Aerodynamics Laboratory [Fall 2004/Spring 2005] 

Active participation in weekly lectures; running student laboratory sessions on equipment such as wind tunnels, a water channel and various Aerospace equipment; marking laboratory reports; and leading student groups in final design projects. 

Teaching Assistant - AERSP 405/406: Projectile Rocket Project Manager [2003-2004] 

Project Leader and worked with three sub-groups of senior undergraduate students for a planned launch of a hybrid engine rocket at NASA GSFC Wallops Flight Facility, April 2004. 


X PRIZE Foundation, Santa Monica, CA, USA 

Research Fellow [July-Oct 2006] 

I was the project lead on the "Low Cost Space Launch Study" submission to the Air Force Research Laboratory Phillips Technology Institute. I was hired to conduct this study given my knowledge of the private space industry and my established contacts. The research involved meeting with various companies, coordinating a meeting at AFRL with key X PRIZE personnel, and conducting a financial analysis of launch costs. 


Special Operations / X PRIZE CUP [May-Oct 2004] 

  • Project Manager for full-scale mockup development of three Ansari X PRIZE vehicles, which also included writing a Request For Proposals and evaluating a contract winner. 

  • Touring Exhibit coordinator for concept design and proposal writing for title sponsor. 

  • X PRIZE CUP development. 

  • X PRIZE VIP co-coordinator for June 21st 2004 historic 100+ km spaceflight by Burt Rutan’s team in Mojave, CA of SpaceShipOne and WhiteKnite. 


International Space University Research Internship [Feb-May 2003] 

Worked with Dr. Peter H. Diamandis and the X PRIZE Foundation developing the follow-on competition to the Ansari X PRIZE called the X PRIZE Cup (U.S. patent pending - Attorney Docket No. 004802.00007, SPACESHIP COMPETITION). The developed work included a preliminary set of rules with flight categories (such as highest altitude), a market economic impact analysis of similar industries (including NASCAR, America's Cup, Oshkosh, Reno Air Races), and a Request for Proposal (RFP) to be sent to potential bidding spaceports to host the X PRIZE Cup, which New Mexico won. 





  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2010): Characterization and Measurement Standardization of Lunar Dust Abrasion for Spacecraft Design and Operations. Doctorate of Philosophy Dissertation, Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department. Ph.D. Committee: Dr. David M. Klaus (Chair), Dr. Kenneth W. Street, Jr., Dr. Scott H. Robertson, Dr. Jean N. Koster, and Dr. Virginia L. Ferguson. The University of Colorado at Boulder. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2005): Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Trajectories. Masters of Science Thesis, Aerospace Engineering Department. Advisor: Dr. David B. Spencer. Pennsylvania State University. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2003): X PRIZE CUP. Masters of Space Studies. Advisor: Dr. Peter H. Diamandis. International Space University. 


Journal Articles 

  1. Miller., L.S., Blanks, N.J., Kobrick, R.L., and Seedhouse, E. (2022, Under Review): “Analogue EVA Results from HI-SEAS for Development of the RxEVA Human Factors Subsystem”. Journal of Space Safety Engineering. Selected from 72nd IAC paper. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. JSSE-D-22-00014. 

  1. Doule, O., Kobrick, R.L., Crisman, K., Skuhersky, M., Lopac, N., Fornito II, M.J., Covello, C., and Banner, B. (2021): “Adjustable IVA Analog Spacesuit Ergonomics – Upper Body Motion Envelope Reference Model”. Acta Astronautica. Vol. 186, Pp. 523-532. 

  1. Landsman, Z.A., Schultz, C.D., Britt, D.T., Peppin, M., Kobrick, R.L., Metzger, P.T., and Orlovskaya, N. (2021): “Phobos regolith simulants PGI-1 and PCA-1”. Advances in Space Research. Volume 67, Issue 10, 15 May 2021, Pages 3308-3327. 

  1. Pell, S.J., Kobrick, R.L., and Trolley, Z. (Reviewed, final submission held): “Technical recommendations to improve Mars Desert Research Station safety, simulation and science.” Journal of Space Safety Engineering. Selected from 69th IAC paper. Bremen, Germany. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Agui, J.H. (2019): “Preparing for Planetary Surface Exploration by Measuring Habitat Dust Intrusion with Filter Tests during an Analogue Mars Mission”. Acta Astronautica. Selected from 69th IAC paper. Bremen, Germany. Vol. 160, Pp. 297-309. 

  1. Steinberg, A., Alles, J. and Kobrick, R.L., (2015) "Exploring How Social Media Can Be Used to Promote Space Awareness:  A Case Study of the Yuri’s Night Web 2.0 Strategy." The Journal of Astrosociology. Astrosociology Research Institute. Vol. 1. Pp. 31-54. 

  1. Moderators: Steinberg, A., and Chandler, A. with Participants: Vasko, C., Alonsoperez, V., Kobrick, R.L., Cheetham, B., and Kerner, H. (2014): “The View of the Space Generation: Roundtable Discussion. New Space. Special Journal Issue on the Space Generation. Vol. 2 No. 4. Pp. 151-155. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2011): Defining an abrasion index for lunar surface systems as a function of dust interaction modes and variable concentration zones. Special Volume of Planetary and Space Science Lunar Dust Atmosphere and Plasma: The Next Steps. Vol. 59, Issue 14, Pp. 1749-1757. Elsevier. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2011): Validation of proposed metrics for two-body abrasion scratch test analysis standards. J. WEAR. Vol. 270, Issues 11-12, 5 May 2011, Pp. 815-822. Elsevier. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2011): Standardization of a volumetric displacement measurement for two-body abrasion scratch test data analysis. J. WEAR. Vol. 270, Issues 9-10, 4 April 2011, Pp. 650-657. Elsevier. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2011): Developing Abrasion Test Standards for Evaluating Lunar Construction Materials. SAE International Journal of Aerospace. Vol. 4(1), Pp. 160-171 [Selected from ICES 2009 paper]. 

  1. Bishop, S.L., Kobrick, R.L., Battler, M.M., and Binsted, K.A. (2010): Stress and Coping in an Arctic Mars Simulation. Acta Astronautica. Vol. 66, Pp. 1353-1367. 

  1. Binsted, K., Kobrick, R.L., OGriofa, M., Bishop, S., Lapierre, J., and Lasslop, A. (2010): Human Factors Research as Part of a Mars Exploration Analogue Mission on Devon Island. Special Issue: Planetary and Space Science. Vol. 58, Issues 7-8, June 2010, Pp. 994-1006. Elsevier. 

  1. Bamsey, M., Berinstain, A., Auclair, S., Battler, M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., Kobrick, R. and McKay, C. (2009) Four month Moon and Mars crew water utilization study conducted at the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, Devon Island, Nunavut. Advances in Space Research. Vol. 43, Pp. 1256–1274. Elsevier. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and D.B. Spencer (2007): Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Spaceflight. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Vol. 44, No. 2, March-April 2007, AIAA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Dara, S., Burley, J., and Gill, S. (2006): A New Countermeasure Device For Long Duration Space Flights. Acta Astronautica. Vol. 58, Pp. 523-536. 


Technical Reports 

  1. Technical report work conducted at Paragon is internal or for customers only (example: MOVE SBIR Phase I Final Report submitted to NASA 11/2021). 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2013): Validation of proposed metrics for two-body abrasion scratch test analysis standards. NASA/TM-2010-216940. NASA Tech Briefs, February (2013), Vol. 37, No. 2, Pp. 29-30, LEW-18780-1. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2010): Standardization of a Volumetric Displacement Measurement for Two-Body Abrasion Scratch Test Data Analysis. NASA/TM-2010-216347. NASA Tech Briefs, November (2011) Pp. 62-63 LEW-18675-1. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Budinski, K.G., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2010): Three-Body Abrasion Testing using Lunar Dust Simulants to Evaluate Surface System Materials. NASA/TM- 2010-216781. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., Street, Jr., K.W. and Gaier, J.R. (2010) Abrasion Testing for the Lunar Environment. NASA Milestone Report. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2006): Low Cost Space Launch Study. X PRIZE Foundation document prepared for the Air Force Research Laboratory Phillips Technology Institute. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Baca, D., Cloutier, C., Gauthier, B., Geschwill, L., Gustafson, A., O'Dell, S., and Klaus, D. (2006): Next Generation Lunar Lander: Preliminary Mass Estimate Summary. Technical Report submitted in response to NASA Request for Information (RFI) Lunar Lander Concept Studies (NNJ06LSAM05L). 

  1. Schuller, M., Lalk, T., Klaus, D., Askew, R., Little, F., Godard, O., Wiseman, L., Abdelfattah, S. and Kobrick, R. (2006): “Portable Life Support Subsystem Schematic Study”. NASA CRAVE DO1 Final Report (NNJ05HB41B DO-001). 


Conference Papers 

  1. Desjean, M-C., Meyer, M.E., Venkateswaran, K., Zea, L., Kobrick, R.L., Spry, J.A., Narayanan, S.A., and Luna, B. (postponed to 2023): “Guidelines on the Quantification and Limits of Contaminants in Crewed Spacecraft”. AIAA ASCEND. Las Vegas, NV. 

  1. Joyce, C.J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2022): “Modal Optimized Vibration dust Eliminator (MOVE): An Active/Passive Dust Mitigation Technology for Spaceflight Exploration”. 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022, Session: ICES510: Planetary and Spacecraft Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies. St. Paul, MN. ICES-2022-41. 

  1. Walcker, A., Kobrick, R.L., and Agui, J. (2022): “HEPA Filter Performance for Lunar Dust Removal in Extreme Conditions”. 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021, Session: ICES510: Planetary and Spacecraft Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies. ICES 2021 Virtual Event. ICES-2021-254. 

  1. Miller., L.S., Blanks, N.J., Kobrick, R.L., and Seedhouse, E. (2021): “Analogue EVA Results from HI-SEAS for Development of the RxEVA Human Factors Subsystem”. Technical Session A1.1 Behavior, Performance, and Psychosocial Issues in Space. 72nd International Astronautical Conference. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. IAC-21,A1,1,7,x63566. 

  1. Walcker, A., Kobrick, R.L., Newman, K., Surdyk, R.J., and Agui, J.H. (2021): “HEPA Filter Testing for Life Support Systems on Artemis Lunar Missions”. 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021, Session: ICES510: Planetary and Spacecraft Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies. ICES 2021 Virtual Event. ICES-2021-90. 

  1. Miller, L.S., Fornito II, M.J., Flanagan, R. and Kobrick, R.L. (2021): “Development of an Augmented Reality Interface to Aid Astronauts in Extravehicular Activities”. Session 8.05 Space Human Physiology and Countermeasures, 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Virtual Event. Paper ID Number: 2285. 

  1. Miller, L.S., Kobrick, R.L., Garcia, D. (2020): “Development of the Human Factors Subsystem for the RxEVA Model for Prescribing Surface EVA Operations”. Technical Session A1.1 Behavior, Performance, and Psychosocial Issues in Space. 71st International Astronautical Conference 2020. The CyberSpace Edition. Paper ID IAC-20/A1/1-58307. 

  1. Lopac, N., Rivas, C., Covello, C., Radulovic, A., Banner, B., Mendieta, I., and Kobrick, R.L. (2020): “The Specialized Tool for Astronaut Recording (STAR)”. 3-GTS.4. Student Team Competition. 71st International Astronautical Conference 2020. The CyberSpace Edition. Paper ID IAC-20,E2,3-GTS.4,x58822. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Gould, A., and Macchiarella, S. (2020): “Lessons Learned Linking Future Space Leaders with Study Abroad Programs”. 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2020, Session ICES307: Collaboration, Education and Outreach, and Public EngagementICES-2020-129. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Garcia, D., Claas, O., Putz, D., Miller, L.S., Bettiol, L., Runyon, K., Groemer, G., Covello, C., and Lopac, N. (2020): “RxEVA: Prescribing human performance exploration limits for surface operation”. Session 8.04 Human Factors & Performance, 2020 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, USA. Paper ID Number: 2122. 

  1. Pell, S.J., Kobrick, R.L., and Barnes, D.G. (2019): “Human spaceflight performance: bootstrapping the intersection of biometrics and artistic expression through planetary mission analogue EVAs”. 70th International Astronautical Congress 2019. Global Technical Symposium, 2-B3.9. Human Spaceflight Global Technical Session. Washington DC, USA. Paper ID: IAC-19,B3,9-GTS.2,5. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Covello, C., Fornito II, M.J., Banner, B. and Southern, T. (2019): “Range of Motion Evaluation of a Final Frontier Design IVA Spacesuit using Motion Capture”. 49th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2019, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Boston, MA, USAICES-2019-99. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Agui, J.H. (2018): “Preparing for Planetary Surface Exploration by Measuring Habitat Dust Intrusion with Filter Tests during an Analogue Mars Mission”. 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018. 51st IAA Symposium on Safety, Quality and Knowledge Management in Space Activities, Session D5.3 Prediction, Testing, Measurement and Effects of space environment on space missions. Bremen, Germany. Paper ID: IAC-18-D5.3.6. 

  1. Pell, S.J., Kobrick, R.L., and Trolley, Z. (2018): “Technical recommendations to improve Mars Desert Research Station safety, simulation and science”. 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018. 29th IAA Symposium on Space and Society, Session E5.1. Space Architecture: Habitats, Habitability, and Bases. Bremen, Germany. Paper ID: IAC-18-E5.1.11. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Schuman, J., French, J., and Tomiyama, T. (2018): “Increasing Spaceflight Analogue Mission Fidelity by Standardization of Extravehicular Activity Metrics Tracking and Analysis”. 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2018, Session ICES403: Extravehicular Activity: Operations. Albuquerque, NM, USAICES-2018-191. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Schwartz, P., Schuman, J., Covello, C., French, J., Gould, A., Meyer, M., Southern, T., Lones, J., and Ehrlich, J.W. (2018): “Spacesuit Range of Motion Investigations Using Video and Motion Capture Systems at Spaceflight Analogue Expeditions and within the ERAU S.U.I.T. Lab”. 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2018, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Albuquerque, NM, USAICES-2018-189. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., McKee, J., Macchiarella, S., and Gould, A. (2018): “Breaking Down Traditional Classroom Walls and Studying Spacesuits Abroad”. 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2018, Session ICES307: Collaboration, Education and Outreach, and Public Engagement. Albuquerque, NM, USAICES-2018-312. 

  1. Lones, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2017): “Advancing Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Spaceflight Operations and Education by Supporting Analogue Metrics Analysis and Developing Spacesuit Demonstrations”. AIAA SPACE Forum, Space Operations. Orlando, FL. Control ID: 2726095. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. and Seedhouse, E. (2017): “Creating an Experiential Learning and Research Driven Spacesuit Lab for ERAU”. 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Session ICES307: Collaboration, Education and Outreach, and Public Engagement. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-11. 

  1. Llanos, P.J., Seedhouse, E., Kobrick, R.L., and Kitmanyen, V. (2017): “Adaptability Analysis for PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidates using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator with an IVA Spacesuit”. 47th ICES 2017, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-100. 

  1. James, G., Kitmanyen, V., and Kobrick, R.L. (2017): “Mapping of IVA Spacesuit Mobility - Design Considerations and Functionality”. 47th ICES 2017, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-261. 

  1. Kitmanyen, V., Disher, T., Kobrick, R.L., and Kring, J. (2017): “Comparative Analysis of Isolation Studies: Human Factors Considerations for Deep-Space Habitat Design and Next-Gen Crew Selection”. 47th ICES 2017, Session ICES502: Space Architecture. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-203. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Steinberg, A., Alles, J., and Timmermans, R. (2015): “Analysis of Space Social Event Attendance and Maximizing Effectiveness”. 66th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Session E1.9. Space Culture. Jerusalem, Israel. IAC-15-E1.9.6. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Luney, P., Bontrager, M., McCarthy, P., Ketcham, D., and Szabo, S. (2014): “Necessary Conditions and Infrastructure for a Successful Multi-User Spaceport”. 1st Annual Space Traffic Management Conference “Roadmap to the Stars”. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL. Manuscript #1013. 

  1. Burg, A., Campan, J., Delgado Lopez, L., Ferreira, L., Kobrick, R.L., Kretzenbacher, M., and Yam, C.H. (2014): “Topic 1 Final Report: Competencies and Skills for the Space Sector”. International Astronautical Federation (IAF) International Project Management Committee Young Professional Workshop. Toronto, Canada. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Hoffman, J., Street, Jr., K.W. and Rickman, D.L. (2014): “Overview of Instruments for Investigating Dust Interactions on Small Solar System Bodies by Landers and Rovers”. 44th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2014, Session ICES510: Lunar and Martian Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies. Tucson, AZ, USAICES-2014-257. From work conducted on NASA 11-11 NIAC-0648. 

  1. Alles, J.W., Kobrick, R.L., Russ, R.B., Finnvik, S., and Bailey, T.J. (2013): “No Borders - Bridging Cultures Through Yuri’s Night”. 64th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Space Culture: Innovative Approaches for Public Engagement in Space Session. Beijing, China. IAC-13-E1.8.4. 

  1. Steinberg, A., Alles, J.W., Finnvik, S., Hanton, R., Russ, R.B., Kobrick, R.L., and Bailey, T.J. (2013): “Cultivating a Multicultural Online Audience: A Study of the Effectiveness of Social Media for Yuri’s Night”. 64th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Space Network: Social Media and Digital Resources Session. Beijing, China. IAC-13-E1.9.2. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Carr, C., Newman, D.J., Domingues, A.R., Meyen, F., and Jacobs, S. (2012): “Using Inertial Measurement Units for Measuring Spacesuit Mobility and Work Envelope Capability for Intravehicular and Extravehicular Activities”. 63rd International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Life Support and EVA Systems Session. Naples, Italy. IAC-12-A1.6.6. 

  1. Bailey, T., Higginbotham, C., Kobrick, R.L., Alles, J., Schlutz, J., Russ, R.B., Steinberg, A., and Zabala-Aliberto, V.A. (2012): “Yuri’s Night: Engaging New Audiences and Inspiring Public Participation in Space Exploration”. Global Space Exploration Conference. Participatory Exploration for Inspiration and Education Symposium, Engaging Citizens: Results and Future Concepts Session. Washington, DC. Paper ID: GLEX2012.12.1.3.X12443. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Bishop, S.L., Kobrick, R.L., Binsted, K. and Harris, J. (2011): “The “Us versus Them” Phenomenon: Lessons from a Long Duration Human Mars Mission Simulation”. 62nd International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Session: Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space. IAC-11-A1.1.6.x11551. Cape Town, S. Africa. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Russ, R.B., and Bailey, T.J. (2011): “Yuri's Night: Linking the World Together with an International Space Celebration”. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES308: AIChE Education Outreach, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5175. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Street, Jr., K.W., and Klaus, D.M. (2011): “Custom Scratch Tips for Evaluation of Two-Body Abrasion on Lunar Spacecraft Materials”. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES510: AIAA Lunar and Martian Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5227. 

  1. Gilkey, A.L., Kobrick, R.L., Johnson, A.W., Hoffman, J.A., and Newman, D.J. (2011): “Evaluation of a Surface Exploration Traverse Analysis and Navigation Tool”. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES401: AMSE/AIAA Extravehicular Activity: Systems, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5181. 

  1. Meyen, F.E., Holschuh, B., Opperman, R.A., Kobrick, R.L., Jacobs, S., and Newman, D.J. (2011): “Robotic Joint Torque Testing: A Critical Tool in the Development of Pressure Suit Mobility Elements”. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES400: AMSE Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits, Portland, OR, USA. AIAA 2011-5105. 

  1. Mulugeta, L., Battler, M., Persaud, R., Kobrick, R.L., Thaler, J., and Shelaga, R. (2011): “Expedition Mars: A Mars Analogue Program Dedicated to Advancing Competency in Human Planetary Surface Exploration”. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES308: AIChE Education Outreach, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5198. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Budinski, K.G., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2010): “Three-Body Abrasion Testing using Lunar Dust Simulants to Evaluate Surface System Materials”. 40th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2010, Session ICES514 Lunar and Martian Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies, Barcelona, Spain. Control ID 753630, AIAA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2009): “Developing Abrasion Test Standards for Evaluating Lunar Construction Materials”. 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2009, Savannah, GA. SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2377. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Street, Jr., K.W., Klaus, D.M., Greenberg, P.S., and Hyatt, M.J. (2008): “Developing Abrasion Testing Hardware to Evaluate Effects Caused by Lunar Dust on Construction Materials”. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Space Exploration Symposium, Interactive Session: Moon Exploration, IAC-08-A3.2.INT3, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Bishop, S.L., Kobrick, R.L., Battler, M.M., and Binsted, K.A. (2008): “FMARS 2007: Stress and Coping in an Arctic Mars Simulation”. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Session: Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space, IAC-08-A1.1.3, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Mulugeta, L., Battler, M.M., Kobrick, R.L., and Persaud, R. (2008): “A Systematic Crew Selection Process for Mars Analogue Training Expeditions”. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Human Space Endeavours Symposium, Session: Future Human Space Endeavours; Civil and Commercial, IAC-08-B3.5.10, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Auclair, S., Osinski, G.R., Bamsey, M.T., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2008): “Surface Exploration Metrics of a Long Duration Polar Analogue Study: Implications for Future Moon and Mars Missions”. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Human Space Endeavours Symposium, Session: Future Human Space Endeavours; Civil and Commercial, IAC-08-B3.5.7, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Binsted, K.A., Auclair, S., Bamsey, Battler, M.M., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L., (2008): “To Cook or Not To Cook? Food Preparation Strategies Under Long-Duration Mission Analog Conditions”. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Session: Behaviour, Performance & Psychosocial Issues in Space, IAC-08-A1.1.9, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Auclair, S., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K., Kobrick, R.L., Bamsey, M.T., Harris, J.R., McKay, C.P., Osinski, G.R. and Fortier, R. (2008): “Studying seasonal variations in High Arctic permafrost:  An analogue to the polar regions of Mars”. SS24: Comparative Planetology: Exploring other worlds by exploring Earth, Geophysics Division, GAC MAC Planetary Science Conference, Québec 2008. Quebec, QC, Canada. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lapierre, J., and Binsted, K. (2007): “Operational monitoring and analysis of space, time, and schedule as part of a space analogue mission on Devon Island”. 58th International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Interactive Session: Space Life Sciences, Hyderabad, India. IAC-07-A1.I.02. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Kobrick, R.L., Persaud, R., and Mulugeta L. (2007): “The Value of Pre-Training A Crew For Research-Class Human Mars Analogue Simulations Proof of Concept”. 58th International Astronautical Congress. Human Space Endeavours Symposium, Future Human Space Endeavours, Hyderabad, India. IAC-07-B3.5.09. 

  1. Klaus, D.M., Metts, J., Kobrick, R., Mesloh, M., Monk, T., Gauthier, E., Eberhart, K., Baca, D., Wright, C., Gustafson, A., Oryshchyn, L. and Massey, D (2007): “Space Suit Concepts and Vehicle Interfaces for the Constellation Program”. SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-3088. 

  1. Geshwill, L., Kanner, L., Kobrick, R.L. and Massey, D. (2007): “Educations Opportunities Supporting the Development of a Full-Scale Mock-up of the New Lunar Lander at the University Level: A Case Study”. AIAA Region V Student Paper Conference and Competition, United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Battler, M. M., Persaud, R., Wilkinson, N. (2006): “Training a crew for human exploration by using Mars analogue research stations”. 57th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Space Exploration Education session, Valencia, Spain. IAC-06-E1.5.04. 

  1. Schuller, M., Klaus, D., Lalk, T., Wiseman, L., Thomas, G., Little, F., Godard, O., Kobrick, R., Abdel-Fattah, S., Rouen, M. and Askew, R. (2006) “Innovative Schematic Concept Analysis for a Space Suit Portable Life Support Subsystem”. SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-2201. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and D.B. Spencer (2006) “Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Spaceflight”. AAS 06-199, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Tampa, FL. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Dara, S., Burley, J., and Gill, S. (2005): “The Human Spaceflight Training Recommendations Against Weightlessness Project (H-STRAW Project)”. 8th International Mars Society Convention Proceedings. Life Support & Biomedical Issues, Session 4A, Boulder, CO. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Spencer, D.B. (2005): “Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Spaceflight”. (6 pager) Mindbend 2005: College of Engineering Research Symposium. Optimization, Session 4-A, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. and Jonsson, J. (2004): “Mars in Utah”. 55th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Beyond Education session, Vancouver, Canada. IAC-04-P.4.04. 

  1. Blank, A., Wilson, R., Knowles, B. and Kobrick, R.L. (2004): “The Use of Robotic Assistants in Field Work”. 7th International Mars Society Conference Proceedings. Analog Studies for Mars Exploration track, Chicago, IL. 


Other Publications 

  1. Blank, A., Wilson, R., Knowles, B. and Kobrick, R.L. The Use of Robotic Assistants in Field Work in Zubrin, R., and Crossman, F. (2005) On To Mars II: Exploring and Settling a New World (Apogee Books Space Series). Collector's Guide Publishing Inc., Pp. 217-222. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Dara, S., Burley, J. and Gill, S. (2003): The H-STRAW Project (Human Spaceflight Training Recommendations Against Weightlessness). European Space Agency’s 1st Aurora Student Design Contest. Human Missions Category, European Space Agency / Aurora Exploratory Program Advisory Committee, Barcelona, Spain. 


Conference Posters / Interactive Presentations 

  1. Gould, A., Blanks, N.J., Lopac, N., Ternus, K., Radulovic, and Kobrick, R.L. (To be presented in Fall 2020): “Artemis Regolith Receptacle for Contingency Handheld Extraction and Return”. NASA 2020 Micro-g NExT Challenge. ERAU 2020 Discovery Day. 

  1. Miller, L.S., Flanagan, R., Fornito, M., Greene, A., Bethke, K., and Kobrick, R.L. (To be presented in Fall 2020): “The Augmented Lunar Exploration and Extravehicular Interface (ALEXEI) Mixed-Reality Display for Artemis Astronauts”. NASA 2020 SUITS Challenge. ERAU 2020 Discovery Day. 

  1. Lopac, N., Fornito II, M.J., Kobrick, R.L., Covello, C., and Banner, B. (2020): “Range of Motion Evaluation of a Final Frontier Design IVA Spacesuit using Motion Capture”. Based on paper presented at ICES 2019. 8th Annual ERAU 2020 Discovery Day (Held Asynchronously as Poster & Video). Available: 

  1. Doule, O., Crisman, K., Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Fornito II, M.J., Covello, C., and Banner, B. (2019): “Adjustable IVA Analog Spacesuit Ergonomics – Upper Body Motion Envelope Reference Model” (abstract, Interactive Presentation). 70th International Astronautical Congress 2019. B3. IAF Human Spaceflight Symposium, Session 5. Astronaut Training, Accommodation, and Operations in Space. Washington DC, USA. Paper ID: IAC-19,B3,IP,1. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Fornito II, M.J., Covello, C., Banner, B., and Gould, A. (2019): “Astronaut Performance Analysis using Motion Capture for IVA and EVA in the S.U.I.T. Lab” (poster). ERAU 2019 Discovery Day. FIRST Grant research. 

  1. Lopac, N., Covello, C., Banner, B., Rivas, C., Mendieta, I., and Radulovic, A. (2019): “NASA Micro-g NExT 2019: The S.U.I.T. Lab Specialized Tool for Astronaut Recording”. Discovery Day 2019. Available: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Whitesides, L., Cranford Teague, J., Steinberg, A., Noel-Storr, J., Zabala-Aliberto, V.A., Russ, B., Lyons, R., Schlutz, J., Bailey, T., and Alles, J.W. (2017): “YURI’S NIGHT LIVE 2017: A Thousand Voices Sharing How They Celebrate Human Spaceflight and Inspire Others” (abstract, Interactive Presentation). 68th International Astronautical Congress. E1. Space Education and Outreach Symposium. Adelaide, Australia. IAC-17,E1,IP,7,x38401. 

  1. Lopac, N. (2017): “Investigating Spacesuit Mobility in Spaceflight Operations Using Motion Capture Technology”. Student Poster Competition. 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2017. Charleston, SC, USA. 

  1. Lopac, N. (2017): “Investigating Spacesuit Mobility in Spaceflight Operations Using Motion Capture Technology”. Discovery Day 2017. Available: 

  1. Steinberg, A., Kobrick, R.L. (presenter), Alles, J.W., and Cranford Teague, J. (2016): “Yuri's Night Retrospective, the First 15 Years of the World Space Party” (abstract, Interactive Presentation). 67th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium. Guadalajara, Mexico. IAC-16,E1,IP,11,x32769. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Gannon, T., and Luney, P. (2015): “Stimulating Commercial and Research Utilization of the International Space Station Through a Competition” (abstract, poster). International Space Station Research & Development Conference. Boston, MA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. and Klaus, D.M. (2009): “Lunar Dust Characterization, Abrasion Testing Standardization, and Impact Considerations for Spacecraft Design: Doctoral Thesis Overview” (poster). 60th International Astronautical Congress, International Student Zone, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Klaus, D.M. (2009): Test and Operational Strategies for Reducing Abrasion and Mitigating Dust Contamination of Lunar Surface Systems” (poster). Student Poster Competition, 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2009, Savannah, GA. 

  1. Coutinho, S., Biel, A., Kobrick, R.L., and Klaus, D.M. “Evaluation of terrestrial analogues for developing lunar dust mitigation strategy guidelines (poster). Student Poster Competition, 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2009, Savannah, GA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Street, Jr., K.W., Klaus, D.M., Greenberg, P.S., and Hyatt, M.J. (2 Oct 2008): Developing Abrasion Testing Hardware to Evaluate Effects Caused by Lunar Dust on Construction Materials (poster). 59th International Astronautical Congress. Interactive Poster Session, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Auclair, S., Osinski, G.R., Bamsey, M.T., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K. and Kobrick, R.L. (2008): “Surface Exploration Metrics of a Long Duration Polar Analogue: Implications for Future Human Moon-Mars Missions”. Abstract/Poster SS24-P105, Comparative Planetology: Exploring other worlds by exploring Earth. GAC MAC Planetary Science Conference, Québec 2008. Quebec, QC, Canada. 

  1. Auclair, S., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K., Kobrick, R.L., Bamsey, M.T., Harris, J.R. and McKay, C.P. (2008): “Étude des variations saisonnières du pergélisol dans le Haut-Arctique Canadien:  Analogue aux régions polaires de Mars”. Abstract/Poster SS24-P110, Comparative Planetology: Exploring other worlds by exploring Earth. GAC MAC Planetary Science Conference, Québec 2008. Quebec, QC, Canada. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lapierre, J., and Binsted, K. (27 Sept. 2007): Operational monitoring and analysis of space, time, and schedule as part of a space analogue mission on Devon Island (poster) 58th International Astronautical Congress. Interactive Poster Session, Hyderabad, India. 

  1. Baca, D., Kobrick, R.L. and Klaus, D.M. (2006): Lunar Surface Access Module: Analysis and Test Bed (poster). University of Colorado Bioastronautics Team, future exploration leaders networking event, 2nd AIAA Space Exploration Conference, Houston, TX. 

  1. Burley. J., Dara, S. and Kobrick, R.L. (2003) An Integrated Approach to Exercise, Microgravity Countermeasure Technology and Crew Psychology for Long-Duration Space Missions (poster). 54th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Main Poster Session, Bremen, Germany. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Diamandis, P.H. and Needles, J. (2003) X PRIZE Cup (poster). The Student Participation Programme to the 54th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Student Poster Session, Bremen, Germany. 


Conference Abstracts 

  1. Landsman, Z.A., Britt, D.T., Long-Fox, J.M, Kobrick, R.L., Perruci, A., and Metke, A. (2021):The Particle Shape, Size, and Abrasivity of Lunar Simulants LHS-1 and LMS-1” (2-page abstract). The Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium and the Space Resources Roundtable (PTMSS/SRR). Virtual event. 

  1. Miller, L.S., Blanks, N., Kobrick, R.L., and Seedhouse, E. (2021, accepted): “Analogue EVA Results from HI-SEAS for Development of the RxEVA Human Factors Subsystem” (abstract). 72nd International Astronautical Congress. IAF/IAA Space Life Sciences Symposium. Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 

  1. Miller, L.S., Kobrick, R.L., and Diego, G. (2020): “Human Factors Subsystem of the RxEVA Human-Centric Model for Prescribing Surface EVA” (abstract accepted for special panel). Special Session: Lessons Learned and Innovations for Enhancing Human Systems Integration. Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Annual Scientific Meeting 2020. Atlanta, GA. Abstract #4359. 

  1. Doule, O., Crisman, K., Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Fornito II, M.J., Covello, C., and Banner, B. (2019): “Adjustable IVA Analog Spacesuit Ergonomics – Upper Body Motion Envelope Reference Model” (accepted, withdrawn). 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 7th International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation: Space. Washington D.C., USA. 

  1. Steinberg, A., Kobrick, R.L. and Alles, J.W. (2016): “Yuri's Night Retrospective, the First 15 Years of the World Space Party” (abstract, not selected). 67th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium. Guadalajara, Mexico. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2015): “Stepping Stones to Occupying Mars via Analogue Research” (abstract, selected). Buzz Aldrin Space Institute 2016 Workshop. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Alles, J.W., Steinberg, A., Hanton, R., Russ, R.B. and Bailey, T.J. (2014) “Behind the digital curtain of running the World Space Party and 2014 Yuri’s Night highlights” (abstract, not accepted). 65th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Space Culture: Innovative Approaches for Public Engagement in Space Session. Toronto, Canada. Paper ID: 24401. 

  1. Finnvik, S., Kobrick, R.L., and Alles, J.W. (2013): Yuri’s Night: Get Curious-Exploring Our Cosmos (abstract). 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract number 3045. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Carr, C.E., Meyen, F., Domingues, A.R. and Newman, D.J. (2012): Using inertial measurement units for space vehicle safety, comfort, design, and performance optimization (abstract)Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference 2012. Session: Life Sciences. Palo Alto, California, USA. Paper Registration ID: 38594404. 

  1. Anderson, A., Diaz, A., Kracik, M., Kobrick, R., Trotti, G., Hoffman, J. and Newman, D. J. (2012): Methodology Toward Developing a Spacesuit Trauma Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity (abstract, paper acknowledgment). 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2012, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. San Diego, California, USA. AIAA Control ID: 1280527. 

  1. Anderson, A., Diaz, A., Kracik, M., Kobrick, R., Trotti, G., Hoffman, J. and Newman, D. J. (2012): Methodology Toward Developing a Spacesuit Trauma Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity (abstract). 2012 NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Houston Texas, USA. 

  1. Cannella, M., Davis, B., Cheetham, B., and Kobrick, R.L. (2011): The We Want Our Future Initiative, Providing an Educational Activity Which Merges Artwork, Creativity and Space Exploration (abstract, not accepted). 62nd International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa. Paper ID: 10145. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., James, P., Anderson, A., Alonso, F., Carr, C. and Newman, D.J. (2011): Massachusetts Institute of Technology 150th Anniversary Exploration Symposium Earth, Air, Ocean and Space: The Future of Exploration Student Showcase Competition Results (abstract, not selected). 62nd International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Space Education Session. Cape Town, South Africa. 

  1. Gilkey, A.L., Melo, P.L., Kobrick, R.L., Kuan, J.-Y., Young, D., and Newman, D.J. (2011): Using IMU Sensors for Real-Time Manipulation of Robot Spacesuit Tester to Determine Internal Joint Torque Measurements in Spacesuits (abstract, not selected). 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES401: AMSE/AIAA Extravehicular Activity: Systems, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA Control ID: 1022036. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Anderson, A., Wagner, E.B., & Newman, D.J. (2011): MIT’s Man-Vehicle Laboratory Capabilities for Suborbital Spaceflight (abstract). 2011 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference. Session: Crew Training for Suborbital Spaceflight. Orlando, FL, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2010): Defining lunar surface system abrasion by lunar dust interaction modes and zones (abstract). Lunar dust, plasma and atmosphere: The next steps 1st Workshop, Jan 27-29, Boulder, CO. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (2009): Applying Lunar Dust Abrasion Data Analysis to Impact Considerations For Spacecraft Design (abstract, not accepted). 60th International Astronautical Congress. Submitted to Session Category B. Applications and Operations; B3. Human Space Endeavours Symposium; B3.2. Enabling Technologies for Human Space Endeavours. Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Auclair, S., Osinski, G.R., Bamsey, M.T., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2008): Surface exploration metrics of a long duration polar simulation: Implications for future human Moon and Mars missions (abstract). 6th Canadian Space Exploration Workshop 2008, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Klaus, D.M. (2008): Characterizing Physical Properties and Induced Motion of Lunar Dust Affecting Surface Exploration Missions. Poster Session I:  Lunar Science:  Dust and Ice (Sess. 314), Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, Abstract number 1439. 

  1. Dara, S., Kobrick, R.L., Burley, J. and Gill, S. (2004) Human Space Flight Training recommendations against weightlessness (H STRAW) Project: a concept paper (abstract). Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 75(No. 4 Section II): p. B41. 


Online Articles 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2010): You can’t be an astronaut when you grow up… but you might still work in space!. 1st Quarter 2010, NOVA, SEDS-USA. Pp. 6-7. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (1 Feb 2010): Review: Space Tourists provides a rare glimpse of Kazakhstan. The Space Review. URL: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (October 2008): From the Earth to the Moon... With a Few Stops Along the Way. Discovery Channel: Space, Next Generation. URL: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (20 September 2006): Global Space Youth Plan Future Lunar Exploration. ad Astra Online. URL: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Sloan, K.F. (2 August 2005): Ask What You Can Do To Get To Mars. ad Astra Online. URL: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Jonsson, J. (2004): Mars in Utah. Mars Papers. The Mars Society. 

  1. Blank, A., Wilson, R., Knowles, B., and Kobrick, R.L. (2004): The Use of Robotic Assistants in Field Work. Mars Papers. 7th International Mars Society Conference. Analog Studies for Mars Exploration track, Chicago, IL. 


Art Pieces 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2019): “Cosmic Spacesuit Destiny”. President’s Art Exhibit 2019. Available Online: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2016): “Discovering new worlds by discovering our own planet”. Chancellor’s Art Exhibit at Embry-Riddle 2016. Available Online: 


Final Design Projects 

  1. Space Life Support Design Project (2006): Space Suit Concepts and Vehicle Interfaces for the Constellation Program”. Launch, Entry, & Abort Spacesuit Team Lead, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO. 

  1. Space Habitat Design Project (2006): Next Generation Lunar Lander: Preliminary Mass Estimate”. Project Manger, and Integration Team Lead, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO. 

  1. Spacecraft Design Project (2006): Neptune Survey and Mapping Mission (NSMM): Phase A Concept Study”. Mission Designer, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO. 

  1. Team Project Group 1 (2003): P.A.T.H. - M (Program Advancing Towards Humans on Mars)”. Team Project Final Report, International Space University. URL:  

  1. Team Project Group 1 (2002): Human Mission to Mars Using The ISS”. Team Project Literary Review, International Space University, France. URL: 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Duinker, R., MacLeod, J. (2002): Mechatronics Final Design Robot, Queen’s University. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Duinker, R., and Feaver, J.C. (2002): DUFEKO Backpack Fatigue Tester: Atlas Outdoors Inc.”. Final Design Project II, Advisor: Dr. J. Tim Bryant, Queen’s University. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Duinker, R., Feaver, J.C., and Kent, T. (2001): Backpack Fatigue Tester for Josh Good, Atlas Outdoors Inc.”. Final Design Project, Advisor: Dr. J. Tim Bryant, Queen’s University. 


Presentations (presenters underlined, not all presentations listed after 2016) 


  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Agui, J.H. (2018): “Preparing for Planetary Surface Exploration by Measuring Habitat Dust Intrusion with Filter Tests during an Analogue Mars Mission”. 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018. 51st IAA Symposium on Safety, Quality and Knowledge Management in Space Activities, Session D5.3 Prediction, Testing, Measurement and Effects of space environment on space missions. Bremen, Germany. Paper ID: IAC-18-D5.3.6. 

  1. Pell, S.J., Kobrick, R.L., and Trolley, Z. (2018): “Technical recommendations to improve Mars Desert Research Station safety, simulation and science”. 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018. 29th IAA Symposium on Space and Society, Session E5.1. Space Architecture: Habitats, Habitability, and Bases. Bremen, Germany. Paper ID: IAC-18-E5.1.11. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Schuman, J., French, J., and Tomiyama, T. (2018): “Increasing Spaceflight Analogue Mission Fidelity by Standardization of Extravehicular Activity Metrics Tracking and Analysis”. 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2018, Session ICES403: Extravehicular Activity: Operations. Albuquerque, NM, USAICES-2018-191. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lopac, N., Schwartz, P., Schuman, J., Covello, C., French, J., Gould, A., Meyer, M., Southern, T., Lones, J., and Ehrlich, J.W. (2018): “Spacesuit Range of Motion Investigations Using Video and Motion Capture Systems at Spaceflight Analogue Expeditions and within the ERAU S.U.I.T. Lab”. 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2018, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Albuquerque, NM, USAICES-2018-189. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., McKee, J., Macchiarella, S., and Gould, A. (2018): “Breaking Down Traditional Classroom Walls and Studying Spacesuits Abroad”. 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2018, Session ICES307: Collaboration, Education and Outreach, and Public Engagement. Albuquerque, NM, USAICES-2018-312. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. and Seedhouse, E. (2017): “Creating an Experiential Learning and Research Driven Spacesuit Lab for ERAU”. 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Session ICES307: Collaboration, Education and Outreach, and Public Engagement. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-11. 

  1. Llanos, P.J., Seedhouse, E., Kobrick, R.L., and Kitmanyen, V. (2017): “Adaptability Analysis for PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidates using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator with an IVA Spacesuit”. 47th ICES 2017, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-100. 

  1. James, G., Kitmanyen, V., and Kobrick, R.L. (2017): “Mapping of IVA Spacesuit Mobility - Design Considerations and Functionality”. 47th ICES 2017, Session ICES400: Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-261. 

  1. Kitmanyen, V., Disher, T., Kobrick, R.L., and Kring, J. (2017): “Comparative Analysis of Isolation Studies: Human Factors Considerations for Deep-Space Habitat Design and Next-Gen Crew Selection”. 47th ICES 2017, Session ICES502: Space Architecture. Charleston, SC, USA. ICES-2017-203. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Invited Keynote Speaker: 28 Jan 2017): “Launching the career you want. Conference on Industry and Resources Queen's University Engineering (CIRQUE) 2017, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada. 

  1. Steinberg, A., Kobrick, R.L., Alles, J.W., and Cranford Teague, J. (2016): “Yuri's Night Retrospective, the First 15 Years of the World Space Party” (Interactive Presentation). 67th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium. Guadalajara, Mexico. IAC-16,E1,IP,11,x32769. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Skype Guest Lecturer: 7 Mar 2016): “ICE on Ice: An Arctic Mars Simulation Case Study of an Isolated Confined ‘Space Analogue’ Environment”. Human Factors Class, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Florida. 

  1. Kobrick R.L. (21 Jan 2016): Career advice to Grade 6 students via Skype videoconference. Challenger Learning Center, Heartland Community College. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (19 Jan 2016):Yuri’s Night and Public Engagement in Florida”. Buzz Aldrin Space Institute 2016 Workshop. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (18 Jan 2016):Stepping Stones to Occupying Mars via Analogue Research”. Buzz Aldrin Space Institute 2016 Workshop. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Guest Lecturer: 23 Nov 2015): “Analogue Research: Mars is no longer a four-letter word. It could emerge as humanity’s greatest challenge and a commercial focus that drives research.” Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Commercial Space Flight Regulation & Licensing class. Daytona Beach, FL. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Invited Speaker: 20 Nov 2015): “HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT: Highlighting research from lunar dust to the Arctic tundra and how commercial space activities will enhance exploration.” Florida Institute of Technology Martin & Lucinda Glicksman Seminar Series. Melbourne, FL. 

  1. Kobrick R.L. (3 Nov 2015): Career advice to Grade 6 & 8 students via Skype videoconference. Challenger Learning Center, Heartland Community College. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (organizer/moderator/panelist), Coleman, C., Potts, T., Schuler, J., and Caraccio, A. (15 Apr 2015): “Isolated and Dangerous: Analogue Research for Human Space Exploration”. A Special Yuri’s Night Tribute, public panel. 5th Annual International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications. Cocoa Beach, FL. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Skype Guest Lecturer: 11 Mar 2015): “ICE on Ice: An Arctic Mars Simulation Case Study of an Isolated Confined ‘Space Analogue’ Environment”. Human Factors Class, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Florida. 

  1. Bontrager, M. (6 Nov 2014): “Necessary Conditions for a Successful Multi-User Spaceport”. 1st Annual Space Traffic Management Conference “Roadmap to the Stars”. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL. 

  1. Williams, K. (24 Oct 2014): “Keynote: Space Florida R&D: From Business Development to Space”. 2014 Fall Southeast Regional Space Grant Meeting. Cocoa Beach, FL. 

  1. Burg, A., Campan, J., Delgado Lopez, L., Ferreira, L., Kobrick, R.L., Kretzenbacher, M., and Yam, C.H. (26 Sept 2014): “Topic 1 Final Report: Competencies and Skills for the Space Sector”. International Astronautical Federation (IAF) International Project Management Committee Young Professional Workshop. Toronto, Canada. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Skype Guest Lecturer: 31 Mar 2014): “ICE on Ice: An Arctic Mars Simulation Case Study of an Isolated Confined ‘Space Analogue’ Environment”. Human Factors Class, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Florida. 

  1. Ladwig, A., Kobrick, R.L., Kennick, L., and Wong, N. (10 Nov 2012): “Panel - Activism and Outreach: Selling space to the public; Personal Thoughts & the Yuri’s Night Connection. SEDS SpaceVision 2012 Conference. Buffalo, NY, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Carr, C., Newman, D.J., Domingues, A.R., Meyen, F., and Jacobs, S. (Oct 2012): “Using Inertial Measurement Units for Measuring Spacesuit Mobility and Work Envelope Capability for Intravehicular and Extravehicular Activities”. 63rd International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Life Support and EVA Systems Session. Naples, Italy. IAC-12-A1.6.6. 

  1. Bailey, T., Higginbotham, C., Kobrick, R.L., Alles, J., Schlutz, J., Russ, R.B., Steinberg, A., and Zabala-Aliberto, V.A. (22 May 2012): Yuri’s Night: Engaging New Audiences and Inspiring Public Participation in Space Exploration . Global Space Exploration Conference. Participatory Exploration for Inspiration and Education Symposium, Engaging Citizens: Results and Future Concepts Session. Washington, DC. Paper ID: GLEX2012.12.1.3.X12443. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (20 April 2012): From Dreams to Reality: Space Art into Space Tech and Back. Yuri's Night Imagining Space Technology Panel with Adams, J., and Kennick, L. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (12 April 2012): 10 Years in the Space Industry Mafia. ISU Tweetup Panel with Urbina, D. for the 25th Anniversary of the International Space University and Yuri’s Night ISU. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Carr, C.E., Meyen, F., Domingues, A.R. and Newman, D.J. (27 Feb 2012): Using inertial measurement units for space vehicle safety, comfort, design, and performance optimizationNext-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference 2012. Session: Life Sciences. Palo Alto, California, USA. Paper Registration ID: 38594404. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Russ, R.B., and Bailey, T.J. (20 Jul 2011): Yuri's Night: Linking the World Together with an International Space Celebration. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES308: AIChE Education Outreach, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5175. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Street, Jr., K.W., and Klaus, D.M. (20 Jul 2011): Custom Scratch Tips for Evaluation of Two-Body Abrasion on Lunar Spacecraft Materials. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES510: AIAA Lunar and Martian Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5227. 

  1. Gilkey, A.L., Kobrick, R.L., Johnson, A.W., Hoffman, J.A., and Newman, D.J. (20 Jul 2011): Evaluation of a Surface Exploration Traverse Analysis and Navigation Tool. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES401: AMSE/AIAA Extravehicular Activity: Systems, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5181. 

  1. Meyen, F.E., Holschuh, B., Opperman, R.A., Kobrick, R.L., Jacobs, S., and Newman, D.J. (19 Jul 2011): Robotic Joint Torque Testing: A Critical Tool in the Development of Pressure Suit Mobility Elements. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES400: AMSE Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5105. 

  1. Mulugeta, L., Battler, M., Persaud, R., Kobrick, R.L., Thaler, J., and Shelaga, R. (20 Jul 2011): Expedition Mars: A Mars Analogue Program Dedicated to Advancing Competency in Human Planetary Surface Exploration. 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Session ICES308: AIChE Education Outreach, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA 2011-5198. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (13 Jul 2011): ICES 2011 Practice Presentations: Lunar Dust Abrasion & Yuri’s Night. Man-Vehicle Laboratory Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Russ, B. & Belle, C. (19 May 2011): YURI’S NIGHT: Celebrating 50 Years of Human Spaceflight. International Space Development Conference. Huntsville, AL, USA.  

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Invited Speaker 18 April 2011): Yuri’s Night: 50th Anniversary of Human Spaceflight. MIT SEDS Yuri’s Night Boston Outreach Event, Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Invited Speaker 12 April 2011): Overview of Yuri’s Night. Cosmonauts Day Conference, MIT Russian Club, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (9 March 2011): Human factors research conducted during a 100-day Mars simulation in an space analogue environment on Devon Island. Man-Vehicle Laboratory Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Guest Lecturer: 8 March 2011): ICE on Ice: An Arctic Mars Simulation Case Study of an Isolated Confined ‘Space Analogue’ Environment. 16.423J Aerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Anderson, A., Wagner, E.B., & Newman, D.J. (1 Mar 2011): MIT’s Man-Vehicle Laboratory Capabilities for Suborbital Spaceflight. 2011 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference. Session: Crew Training for Suborbital Spaceflight. Orlando, FL, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (10 Nov 2010): Yuri’s Night 12 April 2011: Golden Anniversary of Human Spaceflight. MIT SEDS General Meeting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 

  1. Iwasawa, A., Karl, A., Kobrick, R.L., Leathers, B., Merali, T. (panelists) with Gerstenmaier, W. and Warhaut, M. (moderators) (29 Sept 2010): Next Generation Visions for Space Operations Plenary. 61st International Astronautical Congress. Prague, Czech Republic. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Budinski, K.G., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (12 Jul 2010): Three-Body Abrasion Testing using Lunar Dust Simulants to Evaluate Surface System Materials. 40th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2010, Session: Lunar and Martian Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies C, Barcelona, Spain. AIAA-6077-2010. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (17 Apr 2010): Characterization and Measurement Standardization of Lunar Dust Abrasion for Spacecraft Design and Operations. Ph.D. Dissertation Defense, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (15 Mar 2010): Space Analogues: An Arctic Case Study for Mars. Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (18 Jan 2010): Defining lunar surface system abrasion by lunar dust interaction modes and zones. Lunar dust, plasma and atmosphere: The next steps 1st Workshop, Jan 27-29, Boulder, CO. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (moderator), Stube, K. (moderator), Drudi, L., Jordan, N., Ryan, S., Shortt, K., Som, S., Thapa, R., and Wood, D. (12 Oct 2009)Plenary Two: Entering the Workforce and Strengthening the Global Community. 60th International Astronautical Congress. Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Klaus, D.M., and Street, Jr., K.W. (13 Jul 2009): Developing Abrasion Test Standards for Evaluating Lunar Construction Materials. 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Session: Lunar and Martian Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies (Part 3 of 3). Savannah, GA. SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2377. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (29 Apr 2009): Analogue Operations During a 100-Day Mars Simulation: Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, Earth. 15th Annual Workshop on Improving Space and Launch Operations. University of Hawaii Manoa Campus, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (25 Feb 2009): Lunar Exploration & Analogue Research. Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Street, Jr., K.W., Klaus, D.M., Greenberg, P.S., and Hyatt, M.J. (2 Oct 2008): Developing Abrasion Testing Hardware to Evaluate Effects Caused by Lunar Dust on Construction Materials. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Space Exploration Symposium, Interactive Session: Moon Exploration, IAC-08-A3.2.INT3, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Auclair, S., Osinski, G.R., Bamsey, M.T., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L.,  (1 Oct 2008): Surface Exploration Metrics of a Long Duration Polar Analogue Study: Implications for Future Moon and Mars Missions. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Human Space Endeavours Symposium, Session: Future Human Space Endeavours; Civil and Commercial, IAC-08-B3.5.7, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Mulugeta, L., Battler, M.M., Kobrick, R.L., and Persaud, R. (1 Oct 2008): A Systematic Crew Selection Process for Mars Analogue Training Expeditions. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Human Space Endeavours Symposium, Session: Future Human Space Endeavours; Civil and Commercial, IAC-08-B3.5.10, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Kobrick R.L. (30 Sept 2008): Lunar Exploration & Analogue Research. Videoconference presentation to East Northumberland Secondary School, Brighton, ON, Canada, Sponsored by the Canadian Space Agency, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Bishop, S.L., Kobrick, R.L., Battler, M.M., and Binsted, K.A. (29 Sept 2008): FMARS 2007: Stress and Coping in an Arctic Mars Simulation. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Session: Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space, IAC-08-A1.1.3, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Binsted, K.A., Auclair, S., Bamsey, Battler, M.M., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L.,  (29 Sept 2008): To Cook or Not To Cook? Food Preparation Strategies Under Long-Duration Mission Analog Conditions. 59th International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Session: Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space, IAC-08-A1.1.9, Glasgow, UK. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (10 Sept 2008): A presentation about presentations (and my PhD research). Graduate Teacher Program Research Presentation Series, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (9 Sept 2008): University of Colorado at Boulder chapter of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space Fall 2008 Kickoff Meeting. CUSEDS Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (27 May 2008): Meet the FMARS Crew. Special Space Day presentation (French/English) as part of Québec 2008, Québec, QC, Canada. 

  1. Auclair, S., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K.A., Bywaters, K., Kobrick, R.L., Bamsey, M.T., Harris, J.R., McKay, C.P., Osinski, G.R. and Fortier, R. (26 May 2008): Studying seasonal variations in High Arctic permafrost:  An analogue to the polar regions of Mars. SS24: Comparative Planetology: Exploring other worlds by exploring Earth, Geophysics Division, GAC MAC Planetary Science Conference, Québec 2008. Quebec, QC, Canada. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (13 May 2008): Lunar Dust Characterization, Abrasion Testing, and Impact Considerations for Spacecraft Design. Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (27 Feb 2008): Lunar Dust: Characterization, Abrasion, & Mitigation. Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Invited Speaker: 10 Nov 2007): A Future Roadmap to Human Space Exploration using Mars Analogue Research Stations. SpaceVision 2007, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (Invited Speaker: 4 Oct 2007): A Future Roadmap to Human Space Exploration using Mars Analogue Research Stations. Fiske Planetarium, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Lapierre, J., and Binsted, K. (27 Sept 2007): Operational monitoring and analysis of space, time, and schedule as part of a space analogue mission on Devon Island. 58th International Astronautical Congress. Space Life Sciences Symposium, Interactive Session: Space Life Sciences, IAC-07-A1.I.02, Hyderabad, India. 

  1. Battler, M.M., Kobrick, R.L., Persaud, R., and Mulugeta, L. (27 Sept 2007): The Value of Pre-Training A Crew For Research-Class Human Mars Analogue Simulations Proof of Concept. 58th International Astronautical Congress. Human Space Endeavours Symposium, Behavior, Future Human Space Endeavours, IAC-07-B3.5.09, Hyderabad, India. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2 Sept 2007): Meet the FMARS Crew. Tenth International Mars Society Convention. Los Angeles, CA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (1 Sept 2007): 2007 Human Factors Research at FMARS. Tenth International Mars Society Convention. FMARS Four Month Analog Simulation, Track 1, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L.  (9 Aug 2007): Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew. Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Science Alive, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (8 Aug 2007): Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew. Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Worlds UNBound, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (2 Aug 2007): Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew. Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to International Space School, Houston, TX, USA. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (31 Jul 2007): Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew. Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via MSN to Iqualuit Science Camp, Iqualuit, Nunavut, Canada. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (19 Jul 2007): Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew. Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to ‘Les petits debrouillards - du conseil des loisirs scientifiques de l'Outaouaisat the Université du Québec en Outaouais, Ontario, Canada. 

  1. Auclair, S., Bamsey, M., Battler, M.M., Binsted, K., Bywaters, K., Harris, J., and Kobrick, R.L. (16 Jul 2007): Exploring Mars in the Arctic: The F-XI LDM Crew. Virtual presentation and live questions and answer session via Skype to Mad Science Ottawa at Université du Québec en Outaouais, Ontario, Canada. 

  1. Geshwill, L., Kanner, L., Kobrick, R.L., and Massey, D. (13 Apr 2007): Educations Opportunities Supporting the Development of a Full-Scale Mock-up of the New Lunar Lander at the University Level: A Case Study. AIAA Region V Student Paper Conference and Competition, United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (4 Apr 2007): Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Crew 11 Long Duration Mission: F-XI LDM & Lunar Dust Mitigation. Graduate Teacher Program Research Presentation Series, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., and Battler, M.M. (27 Mar 2007): Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Long Duration Mission: F-XI LDM. Presentation to the Toronto East York Community Council, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Received a letter of greeting from Mayor David Miller. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (13 Feb 2007): Expedition Mars Analogue Training Series at MDRS & Preview of FMARS2007. Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (8 Feb 2007): Expedition Mars Analogue Training Series. CUSEDS Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Launch, Entry & Abort Spacesuit Team - Gustafson, A., Kobrick, R., Poon, J., Rash, K., Rieber, R. and Wayman, K. (14 Dec 2007): Spacesuit System Concepts for the Constellation Program. Final Design Presentation Videoconference with Hamilton Sundstrand, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (18 Sept 2006): X PRIZE Cup & CUSEDS Update. Rocky Mountain Mars Society General Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Baca, D., Cloutier, C., Gauthier, L., Geschwill, L., Gustafson, A., Kilbride, K., Kobrick, R.L., Krieg, M., Leftwich, S., Massey, D., Nguyen, T., O’Dell, S., Oryshchyn, L., Orzechowski, I., Rieber, R., and Thomas, E. (5 May 2006) Next Generation Lunar Lander: Preliminary Mass Estimate Summary. Final Presentation to Lockheed Martin Space Systems CEV/LSAM Team, South Park Facility, CO, USA. 

  1. Gauthier, L., Kobrick, R.L., and Herbert, B. (3 Apr 2006) Living in Space. Peak to Peak Charter School, CU SEDS Outreach Presentation, Lafayette, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (22 Mar 2006): The Ph.D. Road. Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (20 Mar 2006): Expedition Beta / Crew 44: Mars Society Canada. Rocky Mountain Mars Society General Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (10 Nov 2005) The Human Spaceflight Training Recommendations Against Weightlessness Project (H-STRAW Project). Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Bioastronautics Group, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (11 Aug 2005): The Human Spaceflight Training Recommendations Against Weightlessness Project (H-STRAW Project). Eighth International Mars Society Convention. Life Support & Biomedical Issues, Session 4A, Boulder, CO, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (26 Apr 2005): Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Trajectories. Masters of Science Thesis Presentation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (9 Apr 2005): Optimizing Trajectories for Suborbital Human Spaceflight. Mindbend 2005: College of Engineering Research Symposium. Optimization, Session 4-A, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. and Jonsson, J. (8 Oct 2004): Mars in Utah. 55th International Astronautical Congress. Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Beyond Education session, IAC-04-P.4.04, Vancouver, Canada. 

  1. Blank, A., Wilson, R., Knowles, B., and Kobrick, R.L. (19 Aug 2004): The Use of Robotic Assistants in Field Work. 7th International Mars Society Conference. Analog Studies for Mars Exploration track, Chicago, IL, USA. 

  1. Gill, S., Kobrick, R.L., Dara, S. and Bruley, J. (28 Jun 2004): Presentation on Artificial Gravity. The Crew Medical Support Office, European Astronaut Centre (ESA-EAC), Cologne, Germany. 

  1. Dara, S., Kobrick, R.L., Burley, J. and Gill, S. (2-6 May 2004) Human Space Flight Training recommendations against weightlessness (H STRAW) Project: a concept paper. Aerospace Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting: 75th Frontiers in Aerospace Medicine, Anchorage, AK, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (2 Dec 2003): International Space University & The X PRIZE CUP. Sponsored by the Penn State University Mars Society chapter. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (1 Oct 2003): X PRIZE & X PRIZE CUP. 54th International Astronautical Congress. IAA. 3. Symposium on new business in space and international cooperation, IAA. 3. 2. Crafting productive international agreements: Applying experience to the future. On behalf of Dr. Peter H. Diamandis, IAC-03-IAA. 3. 2. 01, Bremen, Germany. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L., Gill, S., Dara, S. and Burley, J. (Sep 8-9 2003): The H-STRAW Project (Human Spaceflight Training Recommendations Against Weightlessness). European Space Agency’s 1st Aurora Student Design Contest. Human Missions Category, Final Presentation Round, European Space Agency / Aurora Exploratory Program Advisory Committee, Barcelona, Spain. 

  1. Kobrick, R.L. (3 Jun 2003): X PRIZE CUP. International Space University Masters of Space Sciences Thesis Presentation, Strasbourg, France. 



Project PoSSUM Scientist Astronaut Program, Class 1701 graduate [2017] 

Enriched Air Diver, PADI [2015] 

American Heart Association Friends & Family CPR Training (Infant CPR), Health First [2015] 

Advance Open Water Diver, PADI [2013] 

NAUI Basic SCUBA Course & Open Water Certification dives with PADI [2005] 

Graduate Teacher Program Professional Development Certificate for Business, Government, and Industry [2009] 

American Red Cross Adult CPR [2007] 

Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness Medical Training course, First Lead LLC [2007] 

St. Johns Ambulance Safety Orientated First Aid: Emergency FA. With Heart Saving CPR [2002] 

Canadian Yachting Association - Race Training Coach (Orange) Level [2002] 

National Coaching Certification Program - Level 3 [2002] 

Gold Sail VII Level [1998] 



Computers - Extensive software experience including: engineering; project management; graphic design; and website development. 

Misc. - proposal writing; project management; synthesizing data; market analysis; presenting results; adaptability; flexibility; leadership; team player; creativity; and communications. 

Languages - Intermediate French; and Literate in Hebrew. 




ERAU’s Fall Student Research Symposium [2019] and Discovery Day [2019, 2020] 

IAC Next-Generation Plenary [2018, 2019] 

NASA’s Robotic Mining Challenge - Regolith Assistant [2013, 2014]; Mining Judge [2015, 2016] 

Freedom 7: Elementary School of International Studies Science Fair [Jan 2016] 

Indie Galactic Space Jam [2015] 

Humans in Space Youth Art Competition [2012-2013] 

Mars Society’s University Rover Challenge [2010, 2011] 

Assistant, X PRIZE Foundation, Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge, New Mexico, USA [26-28 Oct 2007, 23-25 Oct 2008] 



International Conference on Environmental Systems, SAE/AIAA/ICES [2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2019, 2020, 2022] 

J. Aerospace Engineering, ASCE [2020] 

Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (JAAER), ERAU [2020] 

Astrobiology, ScholarOne [2019] 

International Journal of Professional Aviation Training and Testing Research (IJPATTR), OJS [2018] 

Acta Astronautica, Elsevier [2018] 

AIMS Material Science, AIMS Press [2016] 

Tribology International, Elsevier [2011, 2015] 

J. WEAR, Elsevier [2014] 

Surface and Interface Analysis, Wiley [2011] 



Subject matter expert for four teams in the FIRST LEGO League [2018-2019] 

Team ISU, Mars Desert Research Station [2014-2018] 


Chair, Forum 360 (8 panels), AIAA SPACE Forum - Executive Steering Committee, and moderator of Forum 360 panel “Analogue Research: Extreme Environments Preparing Us for Space Exploration [2017]. Conference was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. 

Co-Director - IAC Next-Generation Plenary “Innovative Methods for Assured and Secure Access to Space Resources”, 67th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide, Australia [2017]. 

Co-author - AIAA Human Spaceflight: Phobos Base Undergraduate & Graduate Life Sciences Team Design Competition [2016-2017]. 

Director - IAC Next-Generation Plenary “Innovative Solutions for Making Space Accessible and Affordable”, 67th International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico [2016]. 

Speaker - Engineering and space careers at Career Day at Cape View Elementary [2014] 

Co-Event Organizer - Space Coast Yuri’s Night [12 & 13 Apr 2013, 12 Apr 2014] 

Volunteer - AIAA Cape Canaveral Section booth at TICO Warbird AirShow [2013, 2014] 

Co-Chair - International Space Development Conference, Education & Outreach Track [2012] 

Rapporteur - Global Space Exploration Conference, Return to the Moon Track, Concepts for Robotic and Human Missions to the Moon Session [2012] 

Co-Founder - Astronauts4Hire [2010-2011] 

NASA Student Ambassador [2009, Cohort 1] 

Director of Research & Development - We Want Our Future Initiative, Inspiration from Exploration Institute [2009-2013] 

Fundraiser - Mario Kart for a Cause for Boulder Shelter for the Homeless [2008, 2009] 

Plenary Moderator - Plenary Two: Entering the Workforce and Strengthening the Global Community. 60th IAC. Daejeon, Republic of Korea [12 Oct 2009] 

Participant - NASA Student Roundtable Discussion with Charles Bolden & Lori Garver, NASA Glenn Research Center, OH [13 Aug 2009] 

Participant - NASA Student Roundtable Discussion with NASA Education Coordinating Committee, NASA Glenn Research Center, OH [22 Jul 2009] 

Participant - NASA STS-127 Pre-Launch Education Forum Strengthening the STEM Workforce: Strategies for Engaging Generation Y, Cape Canaveral, FL [11-13 Jul 2009] 

Troubleshooter - Democratic National Convention Hall Operations & Management Team, Denver, CO [25-28 Aug 2008] 

Fundraiser - St. Baldrick’s Foundation [2007] 

Representative - Canadian University Sailing for Canadian Yachting Association [2000-2002] 

Representative - Canadian Laser Radial Class [2000-2002] 

Coach - Ontario Sailing Association [2000] 

Fundraising: Breast Cancer Foundation [1997]; Daily Bread Food Bank [1996-1997] 



University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA [2005-2010] 

Governor General, Founder - Canadian Club at CU [2010] 

Advisory Committee - CU-Boulder chapter of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (CUSEDS) [2007-2010] 

Intramural Sports - Adult Hockey League at YMCA, Ultimate Frisbee & Hockey IM [2005-2010]  

Advisor - Undergraduate Independent Study of Sheldon Coutinho [2009] 

Advisor - Lunar Dust Terrestrial Analogues: Undergraduate Team [2008-2009] 

Aerospace Representative - United Government of Graduate Studies [2006-2008] 

Graduate and Professionals (GAP) Representative - Hillel at University of Colorado, Boulder [2007] 

External Liaison Officer, Founder - CUSEDS [2005-2007] 


The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA [2003-2005] 

President - Aerospace Graduate Student Association (AeroGSA) [2004-2005] 

Treasurer - AeroGSA [2003-2004] 

Coach - Sailing Club [2003-2005] 

Mars Society, PSU Chapter [2003-2005] 

- Outreach Initiative Team, Micro-surveillance-rover designer 

- Mars Desert Research Station Crew 25 Health & Safety Officer [Mar 2004] 

Intramural Sports - Student Hockey League (ice), Nittany Hockey League (ice), Roller Hockey, Flag Football (manager and player), Volleyball [2003-2005] 

International Space University, Strasbourg, France [2002-2003] 

President for MSS ’03 Class 

Activities - Running Team, ISU Band, Soyuz Spacecraft embedded graduating ring coordinator 

Team Project Roles (Mission To Mars Using The ISS) - Webmaster, cover art, co-head of presentation team and contributor to engineering section (final report name: Program Advancing Towards Humans on Mars). 

Team Leader - The H-STRAW Project entry in ESA’s 1st Aurora Student Design Contest in the Human Missions Category 

Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada [1998-2002] 

President of Mechanical Engineering Club [2001-2002] 

Treasurer of 1st Canadian Student Summit on Aerospace (CSSA) [8-10 Feb 2001] 

Treasurer of Mechanical Engineering Club [2000-2001] 

Queen’s Sailing Team Varsity Athlete - Also on Sailing Team board of directors with responsibilities for merchandise and public relations [1998-2002] 

Intramural Sports - Ice Hockey, Volleyball and Ski Club [1998-2002] 


Advisor - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space Canadian chapter (SEDS Canada) [2006-2009] 

Director of International Affairs - Mars Society Canada (MSC) [2006-2009] 

Member of Ontario Sailing Team [1996-2003] 



References available upon request.