Friday, March 15, 2013

New Yuri's Night Digital Art to Share @YurisNight Rock the Planet! #RTP

Yuri's Night New York City 2012
"Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us." No I'm not talking about the Force (this time), I'm talking about space art. From my last blog post you may have seen a photo from a talk I gave at +Yuri's Night New York City 2012 at the National Arts Academy. At YN NYC I discussed how art inspired and influenced me to pursue technology endeavors, dream big dreams, and reach for the stars. Well in addition to my technical side, there is an 'arts side'. I've always enjoyed taking photos, creating short films, and when I get inspired I try to put together digital "art" for Yuri's Night. Yuri's Night brings people from different walks of life together to celebrate our past, present and future in human spaceflight exploration. The only way we can properly conceptualize the future is to work together to solve the big problems that surround us. The newest set of images in my YN art (I use the term art loosely and open for interpretation) was inspired by my love for puzzles. Puzzles fascinate me and I have a knack for spatial orientation, just ask my SCUBA buddies. It's amazing how hundreds of unique pieces can fit harmoniously together and create a beautiful picture. That's how I see humanity. We are all unique, and if connected correctly we can create amazing things working together.

If you are interested in creating digital art or have some great ideas for other fun projects with Yuri's Night, please contact me or email the team: Without further rambling here's the set of three images! If you want to see my past images please visit my public Facebook album. Feel free to use these for your Yuri's Night event(s) (for higher resolution please contact me directly), and don't forget to register at, Rock the Planet!


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